Chapter 9

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Y/N's Pov

The school day passed by rather quickly, albeit incredibly stressful and awkward. The last class I needed to survive through was my 7th period, physics.

I walked through the entrance door and entered the stale and messy science room. There were already some kids there sitting in their assigned areas.

I took a deep breath and took a seat at my assigned spot, a seat in the back corner of the classroom, a musty area where all the dead cockroaches live.

While I was taking out my notebook to study for the test I knew about, my assigned seat partner took his seat next to mine.

He was Kenny.

Or at least I think that's what Butters said his name was? I can't quite remember, but I'm sure the one they describe as 'poor' was Kenny.

He flashed me a grin and opened his mouth to speak.

"Hey, mind if I study with you? I kinda forgot my physics notebook in my locker."

I gave a small shrug and slid my notebook slightly so it was in between us.

"Sure," I mumbled.

Kenny gave a big smile and thanked me before skimming through my notebook. Of course, I read with him. This whole school day has consisted of me not doing my work, so I should at least end it with a good test grade.

Once class started and the teacher handed out the test, the room was dead quiet. Everyone else was flipping through pages, answering the questions presented on the test. I wanted so badly to focus, but I couldn't at all with him in my mind.

With the little focus and intelligence I could muster from my distracted brain, I finished the test and handed it in to be graded. For the next ten minutes, I sat there in silence,nervously fidgeting with my pencil and contemplating my recent life choices.

Maybe I should turn myself in? I'd deserve it.

No, that would ruin your life!

Dumbass, you ruined another kid's life by murdering him. It's karma.

But st-

"Alright class test taking time is over. Please submit your tests to me immediately," my teacher announced.

I heard Kenny mutter a small "Shit" while struggling to randomly bubble in the answers he hadn't gotten to yet. After everyone was finished with turning in their tests, the teacher got up from her desk and made her way to the front of the class.

"As a lot of you might already know, the science fair is coming up," she spoke.

Right, the science fair. I remember two of the guys earlier talking about it.

Kenny placed his legs on the lab table and leaned back in his chair and tiredly said, "Whelp, I'm not participating in that."

"It's mandatory."


"Will we be able to pick our groups?" Red, who was sitting in the front of the class, asked, raising her hand.

The girl next to her started to gush, "Omigod if we do I'm so working with y-"

"No I'm choosing your groups."

The entire class, understandably, groaned loudly. The teacher tiredly tried to calm the class down by explaining how it will be a great way to meet new people and practice with teamwork and all that crap.

I wasn't looking forward to it. At all.

The teacher started to list off the group names. Some were happy about their outcomes, and some were not.

I didn't personally care, as long as-

"Kenny, Y/N, and Kyle."

...God dammit. The worst possible people I could have been paired with.

I heard the sound of someone pulling their chair up to Kenny and I's table, the chair screeching against the hard floor. They then took a seat, setting their bag next to the chair.

"Hey," Kyle spoke.

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