Chapter 15

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Y/N's Pov

"I'm so glad you all took time out of your day to visit me," Eric's mom spoke from the kitchen as she started to fix hot chocolate.

Kyle, Kenny, and I all sat on her living room couch, not knowing how we got ourselves into this situation. We were originally supposed to go to Kyle's house for the project but... well, we couldn't say no to the sad pleas of Ms. Cartman.

I looked off to my side to the others. Kenny seemed to be disinterested, staring into the kitchen with a bored expression. Kyle, on the other hand, stared at the off TV in front of him with a blank expression, as if he was deep in thought. Either that or he was spacing out.

Ms. Cartman soon came back into the living room with three cups of hot chocolate, and placed them in front of us; one for each. Kenny was quick to start drinking his. My appetite was far gone, though.

"Eric was my life, so to see him gone so soon..."

My body tensed up as Ms. Cartman began to sob again. Besides Butters, this was the first person who seemed so... distraught over Cartman's death.

"It's ok, Ms. Cartman. He lived a good life," Kenny replied to her, in what I think was an attempt to lighten the mood.

"I know, he truly did," Ms. Cartman hiccupped out, "Such a sweet and wonderful little boy..."

Kyle and Kenny just kind of looked at each other, like... 'yeah, sure.'

"Well, Ms. Cartman..." Kyle's voice sounded uncertain, like he was speaking without any thoughts in mind, "He's uh... definitely up in Heaven. Or... something."

Ms. Cartman nodded, "Yes, yes he is! And may he meet his father while he's up there!"

Yep, it's official. This is the worst situation I've been in thus far. Worse than the actual moment I killed Eric. It is that bad.

"...But, you know," Kyle was quick to continue his speech, "We should really get going. We're, uh... working on a project."

The sobbing woman seemed disappointed in us leaving so soon, but she nodded her head in understanding.

"Alright. That's fine. Thank you for visiting. I really needed it."

Kyle let out a small 'yeah' before lifting himself from his seat, Kenny and I following shortly after. From the looks of it, only Kenny had drinken any of the hot chocolate that Ms. Cartman prepared for us, the remaining two cups being full.

The three of us nodded to each other in an unspoken agreement; we have to get out of here immediately before Ms. Cartman says anything else. Before she can cohere us into listening to her sobs for another 30 minutes.

Luckily, we succeeded. Kyle audibly let out a sigh of relief after Ms. Cartman said one last goodbye before letting us out of her house.

"That was... the worst," Kyle groaned, slapping his hand over his forehead.

Kenny shrugged in a light-hearted manner, "Hey, I got free drinks out of it."

Kyle's dead-pan expression showed what he thought of Kenny's joke. It wasn't long until he started speaking again, though.

"Hey, are you ok?"

The light haze my mind was coated in drifted away once I noticed Kyle was talking to me.

"Oh, huh?" I mumbled, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Really..." Kyle stared into my eyes, almost a bit too intently, "You were just super quiet back there, so I was just making sure."

"Oh, yeah, sorry," I gulped, thinking of an excuse for my weird behavior, "I'm just, uh, not very good when it comes to... crying middle-aged women."

Well, that wasn't a total lie.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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