//Chapter 5// Kennys POV

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Alright bitches let's do this one last time. My name is Kenny McCormick. I was bitten by a radioactive spider. And for the last 5 years I've been the one and only Mirror-Spider. Y'all probably know the rest. Ive been a poor person my whole life, I'm trying to get my own apartment, and I saved the city. Being Mirror-Spider is so cool. And no matter how much times bitches try and hit me I'll always get up.
I was at school looking at my crush Butters. He's so cute. Cartman said
"Look at the f*g looking at his little boyfriend"
"Shut the fuck up Cartman that's why Heidi broke up with you"
"Shut up fucking f*g"
I rolled my eyes at him and kept looking at butters.
After school was over I went to go talk with Butters.
"Oh hiya Ken!" He said
"Hi Butters do you mind if I go to your house I don't really have anything to do at my place"
"No I don't mind! Come on!" He said holding my hand and walking to his house. I blushed a little.
While we were at his house we had a good time. He showed me his Hello Kitty game which I thought was adorable.  After a while it was time for me to head out.
"Hey Butters I gotta go"
"Alright Kenny bye!"
I smiled
11:34 pm

I was swinging around the city looking for danger, and I decided to check on Butters. He was in his room drawing something. I smiled at him. He's so damn adorable. His dad suddenly entered and I saw his dad yelling. I got so pissed at him. Who would ever yell at Butters?! His dad then started beating him up and Butters was crying. I broke in the house and got in between of Butters and his dad.
"Hey don't you dare fucking hurt him again or you'll be sorry"
"Who the fuck are you?" His dad said.
"I'm Mirror-Spider, now you know you'll go to jail for hitting someone right?"
"I won't go to jail he's 18 so it isn't child abuse"
"I-it is if you've done it to me my whole life.." Butters said. What? His dad has been hitting him his whole life? Now he's really gonna get it. I grabbed Butters' dad by the throat.
"Don't. Fucking. Hurt.Him" I said
I let go of him and his dad went out the house.
"T-thank you Mirror-Spider.." Butters said.
"Your welcome Butters"
"How do you know my name?"
"Ive been watching you. Not in a creepy way though I watch everybody"
"Well stay safe Butters and let me know if your dad hurts you again"
"Y-yeah I will"
Weird life huh?

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