//Chapter 20// third person

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Stan held Kyle in his arms, looking at the boy he loved. He woke up form his rest and smiled at Kyle as he thought he looked cute. The noirette stood up making sure not to disturb Kyle. He decided to patrol the city "where's my suit" he said looking for it. He found it and put it on. He was about to leave but he looked at Kyle and smiled. Stan left out of the window and was swinging around the city.
"So what are we gonna do to him?"
"Whatever we have to"
"Alright boss"
Kenny woke up and realized he was tied up. "What the fuck?!" Kenny struggled to get loose. "Hey! Is anybody here?!" He yelled, but no response. All he remembered was being with his beloved Butters but nothing else. "Shit" Kenny says to himself. He saw a type of computer in the room he's in. The room he was in was very dark and the only light he saw as from the computer. Then he saw that they took off a old bracelet that Butters had given Kenny when they were kids, it has Kenny's name on it with a head next to hit and orange beads to match his parka. He still kept it and wore it. But they took it off Kenny so they could tie him up properly. He tried to get out but he couldn't. He was stuck there. And he didn't know what to do. He heard some mumbling.
"So boss, do we need only him or the rest of those freaks?"
"Nah we'll just work with what he have, but he's younger then i'd thought he'd be. The other freaks must be around the same age."
One of the two strangers had a lab coat and walked over to Kenny. He examined him and the second person took Kenny's web shooter that he had in his pocket. "A web shooter huh?"
"Let me go!" Kenny says. "Shut up kid, now where are your little friends?"
"I don't know what your talking about" he says with cold expression on his face.
"Yes you do. Your Mirror-Spider right? And your little boyfriend is Macro-Spider."
"What? N-no he isn't" Kenny said. He was so confused. The love of his life being Macro-Spider? He thought about the times when they were younger. Why Butters was always busy. Why Butters always had such weird excuses. "It can't be" Kenny thought.
It's been around two hours since Craig's boyfriend, Tweek left to go to their usual spot. Craig grew a little worried but he knew Tweek would be okay. He decided to go over there to make sure. He used his webs to go and swing to the city. Tweek well I mean Lynx-Spider, saw Cobalt spider and went up to him. He hugged him when Butters or Macro-Spider wasn't looking. He gave Cobalt-Spider a quick kiss on the cheek as he lifted up his mask. They both smiled. Then they both went up to Macro-Spider. "Uh hey Macro? Um Cobalt's here so we should explain the plan to him."
"Okay" Macro says. Soon Meta-Spider arrives and they all look at him. "Hey guys, What did I miss?"
"Oh but he is..Kenny McCormick" the man said. "How do you know my name?!" Kenny says. "That's private" the man said. "And so is my name you hoe" Kenny said. This man had tested Kenny's patience and all he wanted to do was leave and go back to his Butters.

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