//Chapter 22//

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for now all the chapters will have 3rd person POV it's a bit more easier for me
Butters held on to his boyfriend tightly, "It's okay. I'm just glad you're here with me" he said. Kenny held in tighter and whispered "I love you Butters. So much" he dug his head into the shorter boys neck. "I love you too Kenny" he said.
The man's name was Dr. Whitlock, he have Butters and Kenny a type of technical device to allow them to communicate along as his phone number if they wanted to communicate personally. Butters took out his Walkie-Talkie and said into it "He's here, thanks guys". "Who are you talking to? Is it those other spider dudes?" Kenny asked. He didn't know that his friends went out to look for him. "Yeah, I needed help to find the place and they helped with distractions" he replied. "Ah, I see" Kenny said
Stan climbed back through Kyle's window and quickly took of his suit. "Stan? Is that you?" He van hear Kyle's voice as he quickly put on a shirt and some pants. He opened the door, "yeah, what is it Ky?" He asked. "Oh nothing, you just never told me you were leaving" Kyle said looking at the ground still sleepy. "It was just a family emergency it's fine" Stan chuckled sheepishly. "What happened?" Kyle asked. "Oh uh, Shelly just got hit in the head falling down the stairs, you know just the usual" he chucked nervously.

Stan started to make food for the both of them and burned the stove. "FUCK!" he yelled as he burned his hand on the stove. Kyle heard the boy's voice and went up towards him. He looked at his burned hand and tried not to laugh as he grabbed the first aid kit, "Oh god Stan" he broke down laughing. Stan rolled his eyes playfully as Kyle cleaned his hand. He was so gentle with his hand, Stan felt his heart explode. He looked deep into his the other boy's eyes. Kyle wrapped his hand with a bandage, "all done" he smiled. Stan felt his cheeks get hot. "Thanks Ky" he smiled back at him.


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