//Chapter 17//Kennys POV

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(This song actually kinda suits kenny)
Im asking butters out. I have too. Kyle gave me 30 bucks to get Butters some chocolates because apparently Kyle knew I liked Butters the whole time. I went into a store and decided to get him chocolates, flowers and a Hello Kitty plushie. I should plan something. Maybe a picnic? I texted Butters.
Me: hey butters, u wanna go have a picnic with me?
Butters: yeah!
Me: alright I'll go to your house rn
Butters: okay! And I'm kinda excited 😁
Kenny: me too :)
He's so adorable. I went to his house with the flowers,chocolates, and the plush. My heart is beating so fast. He opened the door.
"Hey Butters. This is for you" I said smiling at him. He had a red tint on his face.
"Wow thank you kenny I love it!" he said hugging me.
We walked over to park where I set up everything . We both sat down and ate some of the food. "Hey butters. I um gotta tell you something" I said. "What is it?"
"I like you. As in more than a friend." I said. He looked shocked but then he kissed me.
"I like you too kenny!" He said. I smiled.
"Would you like to be my boyfriend?" I asked him.
"Yes!" He said. We kissed again and continued our picnic.
I cant believe it. Butters is my boyfriend. I smiled at that thought. I walked him home, and he asked if I could stay the night over and I said yes.
"Oh right um kenny I don't have an extra bed or anything so would you be fine with sleeping on the bed" butters asked as we were in his room.
"Of course I'll be okay with it Butters" I smiled at him. He smiled back. We were playing Hello Kitty Island Adventure because Butters wanted to and he's too cute to say no to. We heard a bang. A loud one at the door. "What's that?" He asked. "I don't know I'll go check. Stay here babe." I said. I realized I just called him babe. That really slipped out. I went over to the door and someone grabbed me and out their hand over my mouth so I wouldn't scream. Fuck.
Left y'all on a cliffhanger😋
Anyways hope y'all enjoyed!
And sorry if this chapter was a little hectic I've been really busy with school and everything so I kind of wanna have some more drama and stuff like that! :)

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