//Chapter 16//Tweeks POV

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(this song>>)
Finally I told Craig. I had a weight lifted off my shoulders. He gave me the coffee and I smiled at him.
"What are you smiling about?" Craig said.
"Nothing im just rlly h-happy" I said
He smiled at me and kissed me. I kissed him back. Suddenly our phones rang. He stopped kissing me and I reached for my phone since mines was the closest.
"Today at South Park a little boy has been kidnapped! The boy's parents have been worried! Please someone get this boy back to his parents.
Me and Craig smirked at each other.
"Ready?" I said.
"As I'll ever be" he said.
So then me and him changed into our suits.
Craig and me looked everywhere for this kid.
"Did you find him babe?" He asked.
"No! Where could he be?! I'm not cut out for this!" I said basically shaking.
"Cariño, yes you are. I promise you, you are cut out for this. I know you and I know that we can do this."He said. He always knew what to say and when exactly to say it.
"Y-yeah your right" I said.
"You know, your even cuter when your like this"
I blushed. Damn it Craiggg
"So are you, and thank you Craig" I said.
"Your welcome. Lynx spider." He said chuckling.
I giggled.
"Okay now to find this kid"
Luckily the news people and a picture of him, so we asked people around if they know him but all they cared about was that we were the spider people and they wanted to take pictures with us. We said no.
"Do you hear that?" Craig said.
"Hear what?" I asked.
"It sounds like..crying" he said as he walked to a car which looks like the crying was coming from there. I opened the trunk of the car, and this little boy was there crying. His clothes and face were dirty, he had scars all over his face.
"P-please don't hurt me.." he said.
"We're not here to hurt you I promise" I said.
"Who did this to you and were are they?" Craig said. The boy pointed to a older guy at a drug store. Poor thing.
"Stay here with Cra- I mean Cobalt-Spider I'll be right back"
The boy nodded yes and Craig held his hand to calm him down.
I went inside the drug store, and went to the older guy. He was getting some pills and I grabbed his arm and punched him.
"Because you kidnapped a child. W-why the fuck else huh?" I said.
He tried to hit me but I dodged, so then I jumped up to the ceiling as he tried to hit me again.
"W-wow this is easier then I thought" I said.
Me and Craig went to the police so they could arrest the guy.
"Thank you" the little boy said smiling at us and hugging us.
"What's your name?" I asked him.
"Ethan" he said.
"Then your welcome,Ethan" I smiled under my mask. Craig put his hand on my shoulder as we watched Ethan go back to his parents.
It felt so relieving to see the smile on that kids face when he was with his parents again.
We went back to my house, and I took my mask off taking a deep breath. I feel really tired.
"Finally,I can kiss you now" Craig said taking off his mask and kissing me. I kissed back. This job is hard but with Craig it will be better.

South Park (Spiderman AU includes bunny,creek,style)Where stories live. Discover now