//Chapter 13// Kyles POV

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Well here was day one of trying like everything was normal. I had to sleep on the couch but Stan wanted me to sleep in the bed with him to be more comfortable and I love the gesture but I just decided to sleep on the couch. I woke up to see Stan making breakfast. "Oh your up, I was just making breakfast for you and Ike" he smiled. I slightly smiled back. "You really didn't have to, i could've done it myself"I said.
"Ky, really it's fine." He said. I've always had feelings for him. Since elementary school I started gaining feelings for him. But that doesn't matter now because he obviously doesn't feel the same. "Oh where's Ike?" I asked. "I think he's in the bathroom but he's been there for almost 2 hours"
When I went to the bathroom, I saw something I thought I'd never see. Ike had a blade and he was harming himself. "IKE?!" I said shocked. He was breaking down crying. I hugged him as he was crying in my arms. "I-Ike how..why..?" I said crying as well. "I-I hate this! I miss mom and dad!" He said. "Ike...I miss them too" I grabbed his face taking the blade away from his hand.
"Your my brother Ike and I'll be here, but please please don't harm yourself." I said hugging him.
He stayed silent. I wiped the blood off. "Stan made breakfast go there and I'll be there in a minute I'll just clean this up"
After that, me and Stan went to school. Ike stayed home playing video games as usual. At school, Cartman was acting weirder then usual. And that's something I'd never thought I'd say. But I didn't care. We were in class.
As we were writing down some notes. I began to zone out and that's when I felt something. It was like a sense..? I've been feeling it for the past few weeks as soon as I met those spider guys and a couple years ago when I got bitten. But this week has been a wreck. My parents got killed, Ike's been harming himself,Cartman's acting more and more of a bitch to me. I'm really not feeling anymore. And especially with all the stress. I hate this so much. I just want to end it all.

No I don't mean that. Do I?. No no Kyle you don't. A couple minutes passed and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I almost felt like hyperventilating. "U-uh c-c-an I go..t-to the bathroom?!" I asked. The teacher said yes. Stan looked at me worried. I quickly ran from the class and went to the bathroom.
I went to the bathroom. And I continued to hyperventilate. Why can't I breathe?! I went in the stall. I heard someone coming through the door.
"Kyle? Are you okay?" I think it was..Stan?
"S-stan?!" I said gasping for air.
"Kyle what's wrong are you okay?!" He said starting to freak out. "I-I can't breathe!"
"Open the stall!" He said. I opened it and he began trying to calm me down. It kind of worked.
"Kyle take deep breathes okay?"

"Count with me. 3"
"2..." I said beginning to calm down and stop hyperventilating as much.
"Better?" He asked.
"Yeah..thanks Stan" i hugged him
"What was that?" He asked again.
"I think it was a panic attack.." I said.
"Whatever it was, your okay now"
"Yeah as long as im with you Stan" I didn't realize I said that at loud. I'm so embarrassed.
He smiled.
"I'll always be here Ky, I promise"

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