//Chapter 21//third person again

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"So what's the deal?" Stan says "Well," Butters says, "Someone very important to me has gone missing and this text explains where he is and how to get to him" he said. "What's the plan?" Stan asks.

The four spider men make their way to the warehouse where Kenny is. Butters felt so worried for his boyfriend, he didn't know what he would do if he lost him or if anything happened to him. he just wanted him to be okay. They all decided to split up to go to different parts of the warehouse. Butters was at the front, Stan was at the back, Craig was somewhere on the roof and Tweek was right next to him. Butters walked in the front where the two people with Kenny tied up were already there. As soon as Kenny saw him he tried to tell Butters something but couldn't because his mouth had been taped shut "Hmph! B-Butters!" He said mumbling.

He got confused on why Kenny called him Butters. Then he connected all the pieces to the puzzle. He knows. When he saw Kenny tied up his heart sank down and broke into a thousand pieces. He couldn't dare to even speak. He hated seeing him like that, helpless and unable to speak. "K-Kenny" As soon as Butters called out his name and tried going to him, a woman grabbed his arm and said with a smirk "Not yet. He needs to be tested." Butters tried to pull away but struggled. "Testing?" He thought to himself. "Testing for what?" He thought again. Then a man with a black coat revealed himself "Well hello Leopold. Or should I say Butters?" He said.

Butters wanted to punch his face from the inside out. "What are you trying to do with Kenny?" He said with a mad expression. "Well you see, he's immortal" the man said behind Kenny and touching Kenny's shoulder. Kenny looked at his boyfriend's face and saw how hurt he looked. He didn't want him to find out this way. "W-what?" Butters looked at Kenny's sorrow eyes. "And since he's immortal we're trying a way to take it away from him, even though there's no possible way. But we have great scientists who can.I'm not here to be your enemy. I'm here to help you"

Butters felt sick to his stomach. Why didn't the tell him? Kenny looked at him again and tried to take away the tape. "I suppose we went to far with the tape and the tying up but this was the only possible way to bring you here" the man said as he took Kenny's tape from his mouth and untied him. He ran to Butters and gave him a big hug.

"I'm sorry Butters.."
Bro I'm actually so sorry for not updating. I've been taking a lot of tests recently so I'm so sorry. I also took a little break so again I'm sorry. But this book will be back in the works :)

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