//Chapter 10// Tweeks POV

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(I love Spanish pet names for couples okay so I'm sorry if use it too much😭)
Me and Craig woke up, and he smiled at me. I smiled back.
"Do you want coffee Tweek?" Craig asked.
"Yep!" I said.
He made some coffee for the both of us.
"Craig..I have a question"
"What is it cariño?" I loved it when he calls me that. I love it when he speaks Spanish.
"W-when will you talk to your parents about this? I mean. You'll have to talk to them eventually."
"I know I know, and I'll do it soon I just need some time away from them." He says.
"Okay babe" I said.
After a while,Craig fell asleep so I went to put my costume and Craig's hoodie on top of it. I went swinging around the city. Poor Craig. He's going through so much, I just wanna give him the world. I put my headphones on. Then Macro-Spider was here.
"Oh h-hey. Your Macro-Spider right?"
"Yep! And your lynx-spider?"
"Yeah" I said.
Me and him started talking with each other, he kinda reminds me of Butters. It's not him though.
I should go. Craig probably woke up already.
"Well I gotta go it's nice meeting you Macro" I siad
"Alright then its nice meeting ya too" he said.
After that I decided to grab a quick snack.

I went back home and Craig was awake. Shit.
I'm still in my costume

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