//Chapter 11//Kennys POV

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After I left Butters' house I decided just to go back home. I took off my suit and went to sleep.
"Kenny!!" Karen said trying to wake me up.
"Oh hey what's wrong?" I said
"Can we go to McDonald's?" She said. I didn't know what to say since we were poor and I only had enough money for her to get food. It's fine I'll just eat something later.
"Sure let's go come on" I said putting my parka on and holding her hand.
"Thank you Kenny! Your the best big brother!" She said. I smiled.
We went to McDonald's and I got her some food. At least she ate something so I'm happy. Then I saw Butters. "Is that the boy you like?" Karen said. "Y-yeah."
"Go talk to him!" Karen said.
"Um...I'll try" I responded, I went over to Butters.
"Hey Leo how are you?"
"Hi Kenny! I'm doing fine! How about you?" He asked. Holy shit his smile is adorable.
"I'm okay I'm just getting Karen some food" I said.
"Oh, you didn't get food for yourself?" He asked.
"N-no but I'm okay really"
"Gee when was the last time you ate?" Butters said.
"Two days ago..but it's okay!" I said.
"What?! No ya need to eat something! I'll get ya food!" He said.
"No no you don't have to."
"It's fine! Come on what do ya want" he said pulling my hand.
"Come on Karen!" I said.
I finally ate something. I ate some chicken nuggets and a Mac burger.
"Do you like it?" Butters asked.
"Yeah thank you so much Butters"
"Anytime" he said smiling.
"Well me and Karen will be heading out but again thank you" I said.
"Okay! No problem Ken. I'll see ya at school."
Sometimes I really don't understand how people can hurt Butters. He's the most genuine person I know. I love him a lot. And sometimes I wish I can just tell him about me being Mirror-Spider.
I thought the song kinda suited Kenny (idk why it reminds me of him haha) but yeah I hope u guys like it!

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