The mansion.

25 0 12

Characters in this short story -
Jay ( Belongs to VideoGameJayGachaOff )
Tobias ( Belongs to a friend of mine )

Introduction start

- Hoshi and yuri walk ahead of Tobias and Jay. They skip ahead and notice a mansion in the distance. They both immediately look back at jay ( Since she's way more responsible than Tobias.. ) . -

Yuri - "Is that where we're heading? It looks spooky!"

Hoshi - "yeah.. Yuri.. will you hold my hand when we get inside.. i don't wanna get lost inside.. imagine being alone in a creepy mansión!"

- Hoshi tightly latched onto yuri, visibly afraid. Yuri comforts him, laughing a bit at his reaction. Jay then looks at Tobias, a look of concern on her face -

Jay - "Should we.. really be doing this? I mean look at Hoshi.. he's not even inside and he looks like he just saw satan himself!"

Tobias - "I'm sure it's fine.. we're blaming this all on yuri if anything goes wrong, right?"

Jay - "uh.. no.. I mean Your the one that approved.."

Tobias - "Fair enough.. looks like they're already inside, I'm going to run after them to make sure their alright. Make sure not to take to long! I know you humans are slow!"

Jay - "HEY-"

- Tobias chases after Hoshi and Yuri into the scary mansion, jay running after them. The four look around confused. No one seemed to be inside. Yuri forces Hoshi into the next few rooms with her. The four walk until they reach about 50 rooms. Hoshi seems a lot less scared now since nothing to bad was happening. Only the occasional pop ups, which were drawn in a cute style. However things would quickly change. -

Yuri - "this is almost room sixty guys!"

Hoshi - "come on come on! We have to see the whole thing before Mason comes looking for us!"

Jay - "alright we're trying.. you two have too much energy for this!"

Tobias - "agreed.."

Jay - "hehe.. look who's slow now, you rat!"

Tobias - "Oh be quiet.."

- The four eventually reach the 60th room. In the center is a green puddle of goop. Behind it is a table, a note on it. Tobias grabs the note before Hoshi and yuri, knowing damn well they can't read. -

Tobias - "it says 'spouting, splashing, soaking. Innards, ingest, invoking. Nailing, never stops the choking.' ...Ew.."

- Tobias slowly placed the note back down. Just as he does the four Can hear the sound of choking coming from the green goo. A green monster made of green goop hovers over the puddle. It then tries to scratch the group, making nasty gurgling sounds. -


Hoshi - "Aww! He's not that bad guys! He looks like peridot from Steven universe!"

Yuri - "...okay Hoshi. I know we're like best friends and whatever but. I don't see it."

- Before anything else can be said, hoshi stands on the table and starts singing change. He sings it multiple times until the specimen just floats away. A ghostly girl than phases thru the ceiling, staring at all four of them. She looks genuinely concerned. -

??? - "...WHAT THE FU-"


Fin. For now 🤨


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