☀️⚔️Family and.. some not so friendly friends.. 🎀🌟

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- Hoshi sits in his Uber, texting Soleil and yuri the whole way. They have their own group chat without Theodore so he can't be annoying and stuff. Yuri keeps sending pictures of the food she made for Hoshi when he comes back and Soleil keeps mentioning a hidden city he'd found with other refuged guardians. A few minutes later the driver starts to talk to Hoshi. -

Driver - "So.. what's the staff for? You goin to a convention?"

Hoshi - "No Uhm.. It's a gift from the Guardian Amaris. I keep it with me for.. personal reasons."

Driver - "Amaris huh? Never heard of it. You sure your no mentally Ill? You look like a furry."

Hoshi - "Okay... I don't even know what a furry is.. and the staff.. it's none of your business really. Your only purpose in your puny human life is to drive people around. I bet you don't even have a significant other.. luckily I do. Must suck.. making fun of others to bring them down.. I almost feel bad for you."

Driver - "...Okay get out."

Hoshi - "..Alright That was called for..."

- Hoshi exits the cab, walking about 30 minutes to the House. It would originally take him 10 minutes to get there driving but, he'd rather walk than be questioned by a jerk. He checks his phone, turning his Location on just in case someone tried to kidnap him or something. He's still afraid of pierce and wonders if he would ever come back for him.. he starts texting Soleil and Yuri, something catching him by surprise -

"Hey uh.. Hoshi? When you get here try to.. mentally prepare yourself.."

"Why? Did you guys find that old my little pony set me and Yuri shared :0.. I know it's a bit crazy.. Yuri planned most of our little pony skits.."

"Theodore invited Pierce. Because he's a stupid idiot and he can't tell that no one likes him."

"Oh you've gotta be shitting me >:( !! Did Jay and the others get there yet? I haven't gotten a text from her in a good minute.. I might wanna tell them to keep their Guard up.. did she tell you guys who she's bringing? She only mentioned Star and Shawn.. anything about Chrome? Haven't seen them in a hot minute too.. I should text her!"

"...Why don't we just make a group chat with all of the more knowledgeable people.. Hoshi, you make it cause you have every single person you know on your contact list.."

"Got it!"

- Hoshi quickly makes the group chat when he stops at a crosswalk. He looks to the lady and smiles. She's seen him before with Tobias so she waved and smiled back. Hoshi always found elder humans silly. Mainly the ones on the media he was shown. As long as they like him he likes them too! He checks up on the new group to see what's up once he passed. -

"Yoooo guysss Pierce is coming tonight so be prepared"

"Who is this I don't have your contact saved.."

"Tobias you should Honestly kill yourself if you don't have my contact saved. IM YOUR BOYFRIENDS BROTHER FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!"


"Why is he coming anyways..? Doesn't Theodore realize he's like.. a threat.. it's like putting Colleen with a bunch of kids! Very visible red flag!"

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