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This story is inspired by a roleplay done with a friend

- Hoshi recently moved out with Yuri and Theodore. It's hard for him to say goodbye but he knows it isn't for forever. He's recently found a nice apartment next to his job. He works at an ice cream shop and he makes good money there. He even gets a bit extra from tips! Kids adore him. All he knows is that he will be having three other roommates since it's a big apartment.. he's scared to meet them since they're all girls.. he hasn't talked to many girls but Tobias likes to joke that they'll be all over him. He gets his key and heads to the room. He opens the door and inside seems to be just one girl. He enters and waves to her nervously. She smiles and waves back -

Hoshi - "Uhm.. hello! My names Hoshi I'm Uhm.. staying here for work.. who are you..?"

- The girl smiles, touching Hoshis arms. He looks weirded out, taking a step back. He smiles nervously already feeling even more scared. -

??? - "Well aren't You an adorable little boy! My names luka.. we will get along just fine.."

Hoshi - "I'm not.. little.. I'm... 17.."

Luka - "Really? You know 18 and 17 isn't a big gap-"

- Hoshi leaves to his room to pack up. He wants to be as far away from Luka as possible. He sets up his bedroom, putting a Steven universe poster behind the door and sets up his bed sheets and blanket. He has a ton of plush animals from when he was little. He has one of lion from Steven universe that Star and Shawn got for him as an moving out gift. He won't forget any of his friends and he will always remember them. He's already planned days to visit! He finishes cleaning up his room, looking out to see if Luka has left. Luckily she's left for class. Two other girls are in the living room now. He sighs, leaving his room to greet them. -

Hoshi - "Uhm.. hi! I-I'm Hoshi! Im your roommate.. I don't go to the high school I'm just staying here since it's closer to work.."

Girl 1 - "Hello! You must be Hoshi! I've heard so much about you! Your from space, right? That's really awesome!"

Girl 2 - "Sup."

Hoshi - "Y-you guys aren't weird like Uhm.. Luka.. right..?"

Girl 2 - "What? She say somethin to you already..?"

Girl 1 - "Oh don't worry Hoshi! We're not flirty or anything.. we're just here for study's hehe.. Luka is a weird one.. sorry about her.. I'm Marcy though! It's really nice to meet you!"

Girl 2 - "You can call me Olivia. Nice having you with us space boy."

- Hoshi smiles, sitting beside the two. He sighs and than asks. -

Hoshi - "What times does she come home..?"

Olivia - "Eh, 4pm."

Hoshi - "Oh! Thats great! My shift starts from 4-9 tonight.."

Marcy - "Your lucky.. she's really controlling over us.. last time we had a boy in the dorm she locked us away from him.. he left eventually.."

Hoshi - "Thats sad! I hope she goes easy on me.."

Olivia - "you better pray to whatever space god you believe in little boy, cause she's never gone easy."

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