Candy skulls ( Hoshi x Tobias )

13 0 6

Characters in this short story -
Hoshi - ⭐️
Tobias - ☠️

Story start

- Hoshi and Tobias walk together on the side walk, Tobias holding Hoshi's hand tightly. Abductions we're common in the area and he didn't want to risk losing his closest friend. -

⭐️Hoshi⭐️ - "What are we doing out here Tobias? It's getting pretty late.. Theodore and yuri might be getting worried.."

☠️Tobias☠️ - "Oh come on! Don't let them ruin this for you! Your always at home with them! I rarely see you anymore! It's been like- days!"

⭐️Hoshi⭐️ - "You saw me yesterday Tobias! Did you already forget..? I went over to your place for a sleep over!"

☠️Tobias☠️ - "Yeah, but that doesn't mean i don't miss you! Plus, we're almost at the cafe! I'll take you home after, I promise!"

⭐️Hoshi⭐️ - "Alright.. hopefully Theodore doesn't get to pressed.."

- Tobias and Hoshi enter a cafe. It's quite and nice inside. There's no one really inside, mostly people on their computers. Tobias takes Hoshi to the counter to order his drink. -

☠️Tobias💀 - "make sure you order something you can drink.. last time we went somewhere to eat I had to eat your whole plate because you didn't like it!"

⭐️Hoshi⭐️ - "What! I didn't know the pink mashed potatoes was beets!"

☠️Tobias☠️ - "That's why your supposed to read the description on the menu Hoshi.. anyways you like Hibiscus tea right? I'll get us both some."

⭐️Hoshi⭐️ - "I can't read well Tobias.. but yeah! Hibiscus tea is fine! I'll fine a table to sit at!"

☠️Tobias☠️ - "alright, sounds good! I'll meet you there!"

- Tobias gives Hoshi a soft smile. It's not a smile of kindness but a rather a smile that gives off the vibe that something isn't right. Hoshi doesn't seem to mind it though. Through the time he's known Tobias he's only been hurt by him on rare occasions.. Hoshi finds a comfy booth with nice lighting. He wants to make sure Tobias likes the scenery. He looks at the seats and sees a bunch of cats sitting on the table. This was no ordinary cafe.. this was a cat caffe! Hoshi stares in awe before looking back at Tobias. Tobias stares at him, laughing softly. -

⭐️Hoshi⭐️ - "That silly boy really knows me well.."

- Hoshi sits in the booth, petting the cats while he waits for Tobias. All the cats seem to be friendly. They remind him of Tobias cat he named Luma. Once Tobias finally gets the drinks he sits beside Hoshi, watching him pet the cats. Tobias hands Hoshi his drink. It's in a cute pink Tea cup! Tobias has his drink in a Black and red cup. Hoshi smiles, leaning onto Tobias and resting his head on his shoulder as he drinks his tea. Tobias smiles, holding Hoshis free hand in his. -

☠️Tobias☠️ - "So.. how do you like this..? I know you like animals and stuff so.. I looked really hard for this."

⭐️Hoshi⭐️ - "You really didn't have to do all of this!.. this does give you a few Hoshi approval points though!"

☠️Tobias☠️ - "Heh, that's all I needed to hear.. I.. really love you Hoshi. I felt like it's always been obvious since I've always liked being as close to you as possible but.. you've made things so much better for me.. I'm sorry if I sound really.. stupid right now.."

⭐️Hoshi⭐️ - "That's.. really nice Tobias! I.. love you too! You've always been great towards me.. even if I'm not the smartest Your very patient with me and.. I like that about you! You make me feel wanted and cared for when I'm with you.. so.. I suppose I should be thanking you!"

- Hoshi looks up to Tobias, taking another sip from his tea. Tobias has tear in his eyes
and is blushing intensely. Hoshi looks a bit worried but before he can say anything Tobias hugs him, holding him tightly. No one says anything but, it was a nice moment for the both of them.. their love for one another was confessed and nothing went wrong.. it was just perfect.. -

Story finish


Expect more of them in the future since it's my favourite OC ship as of now 😭

Thanks for reading!

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