Fairy AU 🧚

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- Hoshi and Theodore sit inside their little cottage, Theodore practicing his Archery and Hoshi working on his magic. He can manipulate light but, he wishes he could manipulate plants. Hoshi has a certain love for plants of any kind. He's seen many other fairy's get trapped in Venus fly traps and others but.. he finds it really interesting. He's taught a few fairies how to escape them but they just think he's being a kid and making things up. He loves to research carnivorous plants the most hoping to prevent other fairies from being trapped by them. Hoshi sighs, laying on the floor when his attempt at manipulating a small flower doesn't work. -

Hoshi - "Hmp.. maybe I should just stick to light magic.."

Theodore - "Or you can be like your dad and gain some actual skill. Just sayin, maybe it will come in handy."

Hoshi - "Come on papa! Archery is easy!.. I think.. is Yuri awake yet..? It's so boring without her!"

Theodore - "I'll wake her up. It's almost 2pm.. was she up last night..?"

Hoshi - "Im not telling!"

Theodore - "..can you grab some more sticks for me while I wake Yuri.. she has practice today, and she needs me to make her new arrows.."

Hoshi - "Alright! Are we gonna surprise her! I don't know if she likes surprises but-"

Theodore - "We can do whatever you want Hoshi.. we just need the sticks first, alright honey?"

Hoshi - "Alrighto! Bye papa! I love you!"

- Hoshi gives Theodore a quick hug before grabbing his bag and leaving the cottage. He runs around the village, running to the forest. His wings flutter with the wind as he runs around. He stops in the forest, looking around for any sticks he can carry home. There were a few humans nearby so be made sure to keep quite. -

- Hoshi spots a decent sized stick, but it was behind one of the humans. He considers for a few moments, hiding behind a flower. He decides it would be worth it. He would do anything to give his sister a nice gift. He quickly runs behind the human, pulling the stick back to his hiding spot. One of the humans had spot him, pointing him out to the other one. Hoshi quickly hides, but it's no use. -

Human 1 - "Hey did you see that..?"

Human 2 - "Hm? No..? Are you seeing things Henry..?"

Henry - "No.. I swear I saw some little.. person.."

Human 2 - "Come on Henry, there's no such this as-"

- The two look at Hoshi who's hiding in his ( Not so great.. ) hiding spot. Henry slowly approaches Hoshi, crouching down beside him. Henry blocks any way Hoshi can escape. Hoshi can't really tell if he's scared or excited as he doesn't know if he's in danger or not. Hoshi takes a few steps back, tripping backward and landing in the other humans hand. The second human Carry's Hoshi, Henry watching across from them. -

Hoshi - "Uhm... hello..!"

- Hoshi looks nervously at the two. Henry and the other person stare in complete awe. They didn't seem to have any ill intentions. -

Henry - "Hey there little friend! You lost?"

- Henry looks at Hoshi with a look of concern. Hoshi shakes his head, looking at Henry. He seemed to trust him quickly. -

Hoshi - "Nope! My dad asked me to grab some sticks to make new arrows! I'm very brave for coming out by myself right? I want to supiese my sister!"

Henry - "hm.. that stick looks pretty big compared to you though bud.. how about I help you take it home? I'm sure it would make it a bit more special for your sister."

Hoshi - "hm.. your right it would! No one would ever expect a human to help a fairy! That would be so cool! I can guild you to the village than!"

- Henry nods watching as Hoshi carefully floats down to the ground again. Henry grabs the stick, waving goodbye to their friend and following Hoshi back to the village. Hoshi stops just before entering to take the stick. -

Hoshi - "Thanks! Your a really nice human! Are we friends now..? That would be really cool! I haven't introduced myself have i.. sorry! My names Hoshi!"

- Hoshi sets the stick aside, holding his little hand out. Henry takes it with his thumb and index, gently shaking it. -

Henry - "Your really energetic.. I'm Henry, nice to meet you Hoshi. I better get going now, my mom won't be to happy if I'm later than she asked me to be.. ill.. see you around..?"

Hoshi - "hm.. I have to ask my dad! Maybe Yuri can help me sneak out! Bye for now though! Hopefully we meet again!"

- Hoshi watches and Henry walks away before dragging his stick back home. He knocks on the cottage door and Yuri opens. He smiles and hugs Hoshi -

Yuri - "Lil bro! Where have you been!"

Hoshi - "It's a super cool story! I'll tell you when papa leaves for work!"

- Hoshi smiles as he brings the stick inside. Yuri laughs, she knew Hoshi did something crazy for her sake and she couldn't wait to hear about it. -

Just a fun little idea I had :D
Hoshi is a light fairy that secretly study's carnivorous plants far from the village in his free time
Yuri is a plant fairy that usually focuses on her skills and protecting Hoshi. She only leaves the village with Hoshi.
Theodore is a earth fairy but he refuses to use his magic to prove he's still 'manly'
Anyways, that's all :3

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