🌟☠️Really.. friends..?☀️🎀

11 0 8

- Royal AU suggested by a friend -

- Hoshi and Yuri sit in Yuri's room. Yuri is making Hoshi his own custom tiara since they both agreed a crown didn't look very good on him.. Yuri grabs a few space themed jewels from her jewel box. She shows some pink and yellow stars to Hoshi. -

Yuri - "Aren't these pretty! They go perfectly with your eyes!"

Hoshi - "Woah.. they totally would! And my suit too.. thanks so much Yuri! You really know fashion.."

Yuri - "Of course, who else is gonna know fashion? I literally am fashion!"

- Hoshi and Yuri laugh at what Yuri had said, a sudden knock on the door. Hoshi gets up to open it while Yuri works on the Tiara. It's just Soleil! -

Soleil - "Yo, dad says it's your turn to feed the captive in the dungeon Hoshi."

Hoshi - "Awh.. It's terrifying down there.. I don't mind though.."

Yuri - "You better get going Lil bro! I'll work on the tiara while your gone!"

Hoshi - "Alright.. thanks yuri!"

- As Hoshi leaves the room he seems excited. He's pretty close with the captive so, he doesn't mind seeing them! He wants to try and stay a while with his captive friend to keep them company. Last time he saw them they were crammed in their little cell. He felt terrible so he let them out of their captivity to let them stretch a bit. -

- Hoshi enters the kitchen, taking the plate of food from the kitchen. He takes his lunch as well. He skips down the steps to the dungeon, looking around for his friend in their cell. -

Hoshi - "Tobias! I brought lunch!"

Tobias - "HOSHI!!!! Hi!"

- Tobias sticks his fingers out of the cell to poke Hoshi, mainly to mess with him. He shifts down to be human sized, playfully kicking the door -

Tobias - "Lunch time with the prince, fuck yea!"

Hoshi - "Calm down toby! We can't draw to much attention! You know how my dad gets when we hang out.."

Tobias - "Ugh.. fuck that man, I swear! Can you let me out again? It sucks in here!"

Hoshi - "Alright! He quite though!"

- Hoshi opens the cell, letting Tobias come out. They both sit on the floor together, eating their lunch. Tobias leans on Hoshi jokingly just to make him mad. -

Hoshi - "Aye.. Your putting all your weight on me! Get off you crazy rat!"

Tobias - "Whoops~ sorry!"

- Tobias nudges Hoshi, trying to get him to laugh. Hoshi stares at Tobias for a good moment with a 'fuck You' look. They both burst out laughing after. -

Hoshi - "I really like hanging with you Tobias.. I wish we could have our own thing together.. my dads been keeping you down here for a while.."

Tobias - "Eh, it's not to bad when you get cared for by the prince. Your siblings aren't to bad. Soleil is chill, Yuri likes to bully me. Put glitter all over the dungeon for spring last year! Sir Costello is something else though.. he keeps threatening to kill me so his ugly ass daughter can have you

Hoshi - "In his dreams! I ain't marryin no dragon!.. no offense to guardian Amaris."

Tobias - "Guardian Amaris is a cooooool dragon though! She's just ugly, right?"

Hoshi - "I don't like shaming people but.. she's pretty crusty."

Tobias - "Dang.. hopefully I can break out of here soon.. it's hard to when this place is designed for humans and I'm stronger in my giant form.. it's way to cramped when I shift in here.."

Hoshi - "Maybe I can sneak you out soon! I can probably make a invisible potion or ask Yuri to make you a disguise.. oh or-"

Tobias - "It's alright. I'll break out myself.. I'll take you with me if you want. Hoshi and Tobias on their own little quest.. sounds fun, right?"

Hoshi - "It does! I would be a rebel then though.. you'd have to make it be like a kidnapping so it's like.. extra cool!"

Tobias - "Pft, if that's what you want. Anything for my little prince!"

- Tobias ruffles Hoshi's hair, laughing at Hoshi. The two eat their lunch together, laughing the whole way thru. -


It's almost 6 am. Freddy faz bear can't hurt me tonight..

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