Candy skulls ( Again bc i love them <3 )

11 0 12

- Hoshi and Tobias are out again, Tobias sitting on a bench outside of a pastry shop. The two have been going out together a lot more often. They try to keep it secret between Hoshi's "dad" Theodore since he's not really a fan of Tobias, but Yuri has figured it out herself but she's promised not to snitch. It's about winter time and it's snowing nicely outside. Tobias wears a scarf, his usual T shirt and pants and a thin sweater. He wanted to try and show Hoshi just how strong he was but, he is visibly regretting it. Hoshi is inside the pastry shop, ordering a few things for both him and Tobias. Hoshi isn't really affected by the cold since the heat energy in his body is pretty strong. He still swears his pink arm warmers and sweater over his heat resistant coat though, just to be on the safe side. Hoshi meets Tobias back outside and sits beside him. He hands Tobias a cup of coffee, smiling. -

⭐️Hoshi⭐️- "Im back! Sorry if I took long! One of the lady's inside the shop weren't too happy about seeing a intergalactic being.. no idea what was up with her! She tried to take my money too.. thank the stars one of the employees kicked her out.. she was starting to hurt my feelings.."

☠️Tobias☠️- "Yeah humans can be weird like that sometimes. I don't let it bother me though. I just remember they're under me in my original universe. I could easily destroy them if i wanted."

⭐️Hoshi⭐️ - "Yeah.. they are pretty weird.. I've had people spam my phone thingy for something called.. feet pictures and death threats..? Peter laughs at them but I'm a bit scared.. death threats aren't very nice!.. and what are feet pics!"

- Tobias holds in his laugh, sipping his coffee. Hoshi sighs, taking his cup of tea and drinking with him. He then grabs a bag full of candy he had got from the pastry shop. They had them in the side while paying and you know Hoshi, he can't help himself when he sees cute heart shaped candys and animal shaped gummy's. He takes a bag of fruit snacks from the bag and hands it to Tobias. Tobias immediately tears the bag open and starts eating them. -

☠️Tobias☠️ - "Oh my god THANK YOU."

⭐️Hoshi⭐️ - "I knew you liked them! I got a lot of other stuff too! The cashier gave me a discount since the lady inside was being really mean to me.. it was really nice of them though!"

☠️Tobias☠️- "That's nice of them.. you get anything for yourself? You want any? I'm not a fan of sharing but if it's sharing with you I don't mind!"

⭐️Hoshi⭐️ - "I'll take a strawberry gummy! I also got a lot of star shaped candys and a candy bracelet and a few cool gummy's.. and this big powder stick! It looked like.. super duper colorful! And I got to put whatever flavors I want in it! I put all of them since I didn't know what I liked!"

- Tobias laughs softly into his hand, smiling as he looks at Hoshi. Hoshi looks a bit confused, slowly laughing with him. Tobias then hands Hoshi his strawberry gummy, wiping his tears from laughing -

☠️Tobias☠️- "Oh my god.. your really fun to talk to.. you seem to admire everything!"

⭐️Hoshi⭐️ - "Maybe not everything but alot of things! I'm still new to all of this so.. you can't blame me!"

- Hoshi giggles, eating his fruit gummy. He than looks to Tobias who is still, very visibly freezing. -

⭐️Hoshi⭐️ - "Tobias? You.. look like you just saw the Hexalios in person.. are you okay?"

☠️Tobias☠️ - "Oh ya! I uh- I'm fine-! Just a bit cold.."

⭐️Hoshi⭐️ - "Cold!? Man I'm sweating out here.. even if I can't sweat.. hm.. I have an idea!"

☠️Tobias☠️ - "And what exactly is-"

- Hoshi attaches himself to Tobias, warming him up. Hoshi is essentially just hugging Tobias so he can warm up. Tobias looks a bit shocked before accepting the hug and pulling Hoshi in tighter. He smiles, patting Hoshi. -

☠️Tobias☠️- "I should have expected this from you.. your really warm. Like it's kind of scary.."

⭐️Hoshi⭐️- "Expect the unexpected!.. chrome taught me that phase!" ( Chrome belongs to jay, mentioned in the previous chapter )

☠️Tobias☠️ - "You and chrome get along a bit too well Hehe.. not as well as us though!"

- Tobias laughs, nudging Hoshi playfully. Hoshi brings to laugh as well. The two mess with each other for a few moments before hugging one another tightly. The two begin to fuse from the amount of love being shared. Kashikoi ( Fusion of Hoshi and Tobias ) looks down at their hands, smiling. -

☕️Kashikoi☕️- "Oh holy Amaris I love you so much.. you wouldn't even understand.."

Finish ☕️



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