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This series of AU one shots take place in the 1990's ( just in case the title didnt disclose that ) and circles around a few characters I hadn't introduced
The basic theme is Hoshi crashed on earth in the 1990's instead of later.

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Hoshi wakes in the middle of a forest, grumbling to himself

He'd just been tossed onto the planet he seemed to despise so much for no good reason at all

He gets up, wandering around

"Stupid hexalios.."

He mutters to himself, looking anxiously around the forest.

In front of him lays a path, a sign reading 'PRIVATE PROPERTY' and 'DO NOT TRESSPASS' on the side

Hoshi hadn't learned how to read English literature so he began to walk on the path

The path led to a large abandoned cabin, it seemed normal from the outside

Hoshi curiously steps inside, noticing the house being a total wreck

A satanic circle was drawn out in the center, a decaying body resting in the middle

Hoshi stares in awe, slowly stepping closer

Though he hated earth, he always seemed curious of the inhabitants..

he knew humanity would slaughter him on spot if he was seen by them and yet he was still drawn to them

Hoshi's gaze would shift to chair, a purple hood and scarf resting on top.

He puts on the two items, hiding his antenna under the hood

everything that made him seem like an outcast was hidden..

His tail was tucked in his cloak, his antenna hidden..

it seemed perfect.

though, the only thing showing were his eyes, his unordinary eye color would be.. a bit concerning.

Hoshi slowly steps out of the cabin, folling the path in the opposite direction he came from

+ + +

Hoshi would end up face to face with a street

a car would pass by, speeding by

Hoshi would stare in fear at the road

what if another car were to come by and hit him..?

He sighs, looking to the left, than to the right and running across the street..


Hoshi was hit by a white van, the driver not stopping to move him aside and continues driving

Hoshi would lay unconsious..

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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