Chapter 2: hes finally here

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Links POV

A bright light forced its way through to my eyes but as soon as they opened i felt immense pain all over my body

I was trying to make my way to Zora's Domain since Princess Zelda told me I needed a vacation and i chose the domain to spend time with a certain prince.

When we took down Ruta together i formed a small crush on him and he's been on my mind ever since.

I felt a warmth coming from the side of my legs. i looked over to see a sleeping Sidon with his head lying on the bed, i smiled slightly at the sight and felt my cheeks burn up with blush.

I looked down to see my wounds thank god i managed to make it here in time , i don't think i would've made it otherwise , I could tell from the shape of the wound that i had been sliced with a demon carver which are carried by the Yiga clan.

I went to touch it before my hand was pulled back by a big red claw, "i wouldn't touch that if i would you it would really hurt," said the sleepy eyed zora prince

"You look like shit how long have you been sitting there for" i signed to him

"Thats such a kind way to greet someone," he sorta chuckled "i haven't left your side since you were bought here so about 3 1/2 days." He said , i felt my cheeks go bright red at the statement and then realised how long Ive actually been here for "3 DAYS!" I managed to squeal out

Sidon looked slightly shocked at the fact i just spoke but then smiled slightly and nodded

"Because you are a champion and saved Zora's Domain you don't have to pay for your health bill," Sidon said softly , immediately after he said that a doctor came in and checked me over . After a few hours i got discharged and Sidon guided me through the domain and took me to the reservoir "care for a swim," he asked , i nodded and took a moment to sit down and think.

A/N: I hope you found this enjoyable i really enjoyed writing it since sidlink sadly isn't canon its hard to make edits on it (as an editor it makes me upset) so this is the next best think love you all and have a brilliant rest of your day or have a good night!

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