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"Wait...I'm gonna do what?" Those were Natasha Sasaki's exact words when she was approached by Brunhilde and Göll. "Surely you don't think I summoned you here for no reason Sasaki Natasha, Also known as the Promiscuous Flower." Natasha laughed while putting her hair in her signature ponytail. "Well, I honestly thought the gods wanted me to fight in their wildly impressive army or something. But to be recruited to fight against them, now that's a treat fit for a dead warrior."

As the 20 year old followed Brunhilde and Göll, the small Valkyrie looked over her shoulder to Natasha then to her older sister. "Why'd we pick her again? She doesn't seem like much sis. She seems...silly." Brunhilde only smiled at her sister and looked back at Natasha who walked face first into a wall before apologizing to it then stared deadpanned at the wall realizing she was talking to a wall. "True, but her personality is way deeper than her lack of basic knowledge." Göll looked shocked at her sister.

"Wait! Are you saying she's dumb?!" Brunhilde smirked and nodded. "As a box of rocks." Göll shook her head. "She's gonna be going up against a divine being Brunhilde!! Will she even know what to do?!" Brunhilde only walked ahead of the girl. "There's a reason I selected her Göll. You'll see that soon enough." A little later, Natasha sat in her little room where she was going to be staying until it came time for her to fight. Humming a quite soft tune, Natasha thought back to her life when she was alive.

"I sure did leave quite the mark for everyone to know me as the Promiscuous Flower..." During her time as a Swordswoman, Natasha was known for three things, 1. Her relation to Sasaki Kojiro, 2. Her strength and skill which was unmatched. Even for a woman and 3. Her promiscuity. In other words, Natasha slept around. A LOT. It was basic knowledge that if she liked a man enough, after she was done beating him into the ground or vice versa, she'd try her luck at seducing herself into his pants.

It was also basic knowledge that Natasha was attracted to men stronger than her. One of her most notable conquests was the very man who took her father's life. Miyamoto Musashi. When she first came face to face with the man, she was shocked. She didn't think he would actually be actively searching for her. Turns out when rumors of her existence came out, the man was determined to meet the daughter of the greatest swordsman he had ever met.

If you had asked him now what his first thoughts were when he laid eyes on Natasha, he'd tell you he was overcome with a feeling of grief. From her stance to the way she wore her hair, she looked JUST like her father. It was like looking at Sasaki once more. And their fight went no different. Only, Natasha managed to evade death by his blade. That night, the girl had listened to the story of her father's last fight straight from the man himself. No hearsay or biased details. Just the true events of that fateful day.

Which coincidentally was her birthday. After much drinking and talking, Natasha had managed to find herself once again in the arms of  a man stronger than her. His thrusts were deep and powerful. They made her feel so much smaller than she already was. He was dominant and rough while also kissing up her body while she lay on her back, at his mercy. "Miss Natasha? I would like you to come with me for a moment." Looking over her shoulder, Natasha saw Brunhilde along with Göll once more standing in the doorway.

Following the sisters out the room, Natasha could hear commotion coming from a singular room. Looking inside, the girl was greeted with the sight of the 13 men who were summoned for the same reason she was. To fight for humanity. The Ragnarok. "Please take your seat here." Göll asked politely as she escorted Natasha to her seat. Closing her eyes, Natasha had intended on taking a small nap before she was woken up quite violently by a loud thud noise. When her eyes shot open, she found herself face to face with a very large man.

"Hey! What's your name cutie?" Natasha raised an eyebrow at the man before closing her eyes once more. Raiden huffed and began poking her. "Hey! Hey! Hey! I'm talking to you lady. Don't be so ice cold to me!" Opening one eye, Natasha looked Raiden up and down before settling on his big dumb face. "You don't deserve to know my name, because you're not worth my time gorilla. Now get out of my sight."  Looking at the girl straight up shocked that not only did she insult him, she didn't even respect him enough to look at him fully, Raiden blushed heavily.

He was so used to women fawning over him and practically throwing their panties at him that the mere thought of having a woman as beautiful as Natasha reject him was well...foreign. It was unknown. It was unprecedented. And he LOVED it. "Heh. well this is a first. I'm Raiden cutie.~" Natasha kept her eyes closed as she attempted to tune out the large sumo wrestler before just resorting to insulting him again. "Good to know. I'm the woman who's about to castrate you if you don't piss off." The man laughed loud and obnoxiously after hearing the words.

Feeling herself begin to lose her temper, Natasha put her hand on her blade. Going to pull it from her scabbard, another voice interrupted Raiden's. "Why don't you go sit down son. The girl obviously doesn't want to be bothered." Looking at the man, Raiden sighed before walking back to his seat. Truth be told, he wasn't scared by any means, it was the fact that he realized he was flirting with the daughter of a man he had come to respect.

Taking a seat next to the girl, Kojiro smiled gently. When Brrunhilde told him that he was the father to a powerful swordswoman, he didn't believe it. Not until he now that he sees her with his own eyes. His very own daughter. The woman who carried his legacy. Sasaki Natasha. "You wanna say something Pops? Or are you just gonna keep on staring?"

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