Ragnarok Starts

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"Wait, I'm up first!? Come on, you can't just throw me in like that!" Natasha shouted as she gripped her scabbard. Brunnhilde chose her for the very first match and it caught her off guard. "Look! Don't just put me in just because I'm a woman!" Brünnhilde held her eyes closed as she held the roster for the competitors in her hands. "Your gender has nothing to do with it. I'm selecting you for a reason." Natasha only shook her head as she was certain that whoever the gods picked would not be someone she'd even want to waste her strength on. "Just saying, but do you really think they're gonna start off with a god as strong or stronger than me? I won't waste my skills on some pitiful deity that can't keep up with me!"

Before she could say anything else, a large hand was placed on Natasha's shoulder. "I'll gladly go first. It's been ages since I've fought and had the taste of battle." Looking up, a tiny squeak left Natasha's lips as her eyes met those of the flying general. Lü Bu. He was truly a work of art. Strong, muscular, tatted and he had the aura of a man she would gladly have tested her blade against. The two hadn't spoken much since meeting but they did give each other looks of respect. Game recognizes Game. Strength recognizes Strength. Brünnhilde only sighed but accepted Lü Bu's offer to fight in Natasha's place. As the man and Valkyrie left to the arena, Natasha sighed in relief only to be caught by the presence of another powerful man.

"So, were you really scared of fighting first, or are you actually that cocky?" Looking at the voice, the swordswoman noticed a man who was adorned in the finest clothing and had a mask around his face. He looked like he was that of royalty. "Well whatever the case, I liked it. You're interesting and I'd like to learn more about you." Natasha raised an eyebrow while turning to face the man. "Oh my. So the rumors are true. You really are as beautiful as the morning sky." The man stopped in front of Natasha before taking her hand and pressing a soft kiss to the back of it. "I'm sorry, but I don't recall meeting you. Neither do I much care for men touching me without consent. I have a phobia with that." Growling the last part out, Natasha once again reached for her trusty sword.

"Oh my. Aggressive AND a liar. You just intrigued me more!" Natasha's right eye twitched, a clear sign of her ensuing anger and pent up rage, as she looked at the strangely handsome black haired man. "Who are you calling a liar?! I will tear you apart!" The man smiled as he blocked Natasha's sword with his arm as she went to strike him with it. Small droplets of blood decorated the blade as she merely grazed his skin with the sharp edge. "Please calm down beautifully. Let's talk this over." Pushing the man back across the hall and rushing at him with blinding speed, Natasha held her blade up to his neck while growling. "Who.Are.You?" The man only sent her a smile before introducing himself. "I'm Qi Shi Huang. The first king of China. Well, more of an emperor you could say."

Natasha's gaze didn't soften any less as she began to press the blade harder into Qi's neck before being called by a voice. "Natasha? Leave that man alone. The match is about to start and I want to watch it with you." Kojiro said as he walked up to his daughter giving her a bright and warm fatherly smile. That is what brought her beast back in its cage and Natasha backed away from Qi and followed her father down the hall. Looking back at him, Kojiro sent him an apologetic smile and a thumbs up before turning his attention to his daughter. "Interesting. Very interesting. I like her. She'd be a suitable wife for me." In her father's waiting room, Natasha and Kojiro sat in awkward silence.

Both had so much they wanted to say to each other but neither knew how to start. Its hard to try and start a conversation with a person you never knew existed. Or everything you thought you knew about them was a complete lie and you only found out when you fought the man that killed them. It was very difficult. Natasha had so many questions for Kojiro. She wanted to learn from him. All his teachings. For Kojiro, he wanted to develop a healthy bond with the daughter he never knew he made. He at first had doubts about her legitimacy as his daughter but the moment their eyes met, he knew for certain. Natasha was his daughter. Sighing to himself, the older swordsman went to speak before the screen suddenly turned on, startling the two.

Technology didn't exist in their era so this was oh so very foreign to them. A small string of curses and obscenities left the girl's lips as Kojir chuckled at her reaction. Causing Natasha in turn to giggle. Sure it was silent in the room but this was a comfortable silence. They could always talk later. Watching as a exceptionally loud god introduced the fighters for he first round, Natasha moved closer to Kojiro before she leaned her head on her father's shoulder. Smiling to himself, Kojiro looked at the screen as he wrapped a arm around his daughter. A warm feeling spread throughout the woman as she felt the once unattainable affection of her no longer dead father. She could really get used to this.

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