Path to Greatness

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A long time ago, Natasha lived a small and humble life with her immigrant mother in a small fishing village in the mountains. It was there where Natasha developed an admiration for nature and all the creatures that inhabited her home. It was also there, though she didn’t know it yet, she met one of the most prominent figures in her father’s life. “You have to tell her Nikita. You can’t keep the truth from her forever. Don’t you think she deserves to know who her father truly was?” Natasha’s mother glared at the man angrily.

“Natasha is my daughter and it’s my choice to tell her about her father! And I say that she’ll know him as a traveling merchant! That's final!” The man gritted his teeth at the woman. “But why?! Why must you hide the truth from her?!” Nikita shook in grief as tears began to flow from her eyes. “I loved Sasaki with all my heart! I would never do anything to dishonor his memory! But…But…I can’t bring myself to talk about what he did! Who he was! It’ll only shatter my heart once more…Please Kagekatsu…Please don’t tell her about Sasaki.. I fear that if she knows…I’ll lose her the same way.”

As the man left, he caught a glimpse of Natasha as she played in the grass with the local children. She had Sasaki’s long black hair and his wide yet stupid grin. It had shocked the swordsman when he was informed that not only was Sasaki married but had a daughter who was born the same day he died. He had to know for sure if these were just cruel rumors or the truth. If talking to Sasaki’s still distraught widow wasn’t enough, seeing his daughter in the flesh was. As the bunny they were playing with scurried away, past Kagekatsu, the other children followed after it. Natasha however ran up to the man. Amazed that someone that muscular and intimidating could even exist.

Before she could even open her mouth to talk to him, Nikita quickly pulled Natasha away, all the while glaring at him. Looking at her daughter, Nikita thought to herself. ‘I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her from that life. No matter what.’ It wasn’t until 8 years later where Natasha began her path to becoming the swordswoman ‘The Promiscuous Flower’.  As the years went by, Natasha had begun developing her insane strength that she’d soon be later known for. She used her ability to help others whenever she could, while also finding time to assist her mother in their flower shop. It was on her 13th birthday when her peaceful life changed.

A large group of well armed bandits invaded the small village and brutalized everyone and everything in sight. Of course this being the time period it was, the main attraction these miserable lowlives desired was the women. When the bandits took the women and girls back to their camp to have their way with them, Natasha was among the stolen women and girls, her mother narrowly escaping and attempting to save her daughter but failed and in turn was slaughtered before Natasha’s very eyes. When the leader gave the women and girls orders to strip for them, Natasha, who was overcome with grief and anger, blatantly refused. Determined to keep her virginity and dignity.

This angered the leader who had Natasha sent to his personal tent where he tried to force himself on her, only for her to violently thrash around and claw at him in a futile attempt to keep her virginity. It wasn’t until the man effortlessly broke her tiny wrist that she stopped fighting. For the time being. Laying on one side of his bed as the man slept on the other, Natasha silently planned her revenge. First it started with spying on the bandits and how they trained. She notably favored the art of the sword and in her private free time that she was granted by the leader who took her on as his concubine, she trained.

She took teachings from nature and as her body started to develop, she soon learned the art of seduction. In her mind, she would form a perfect copy of the man who ruined her life and fought him. Hundreds no thousands of times. Until every copy she made was slaughtered just as brutally as her mother was years ago. On her 18th birthday, Natasha finally put her plan into action. That night, like usual, the man, whose name she had come to know as Suzuki Takashi, had entered his tent expecting to have sex with the girl and as per usual, she let him use her body to his heart's content.

Maybe it was the unchecked clearly festering childhood trauma talking or her mind was just fucked up all on it’s own, but Natasha actually enjoyed having sex with Takashi. He was disgustingly primal in bed and didn’t give two fucks about consent. If he wanted her, he was gonna have her. And truthfully it was this trait that she had come to admire that about him. And later in life, it was that trait she had begun to seek out in her romantic partners but would never find. Which is one of the reasons she slept around. During the ordeal, Natasha found herself on top of the man and while he was entranced in the pleasure of her riding him, swiftly and silently, Natasha stabbed the man.

Over and over before the man grabbed the sword and pushed her off him with brute force. Escaping outside, Natasha stood in the dark rain as she stared down the very man who made her life a living hell. A dark smirk came upon Takashi’s lips as he saw her expression. “So you wanna kill me? Well if you're gonna attempt to take my life little girl, do it properly. In a fight.” Tossing her his own blade, Takashi took one from one of his men. Looking the man in the eyes, Natasha scanned his body and took in every little significant detail before running at him with all the rage in her body channeled through the blade she held, immediately decapitating the man.

All those around watched in shock as the girl killed Takashi with a single devastating blow that seemingly didn’t take her much effort. Looking over shoulder, Natasha noticed the other bandits trembling in fear. Completely ignoring their begs and pleads to let them live, she cut them down. One by one until there wasn’t any left. The rest of the captive women watched on as Natasha turned to them. “You can go home now.” Without another sound, the girl left. Taking Takashi’s blade with her. After traveling on foot for weeks, she wound up at Toda Dojo. the very dojo that trained her father. Though she didn’t know it yet, the moment she entered that dojo, she was already on her path towards greatness.

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