It's Time

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“Wait…HUH?!” Göll shouted as she realized that the women were looking at her. “You want me to be her Volündr?! Sis! I don’t know how to do that! I don’t even think I can maintain a weapon form for longer than 10 minutes!!” Brünnhilde smiled gently before looking at her little sister. “I’ve already made up my mind Göll. Now do it.” Natasha watched the young Valkyrie nervously stand in front of her. “Hey, It’ll be okie Göll. We’re gonna kick that pompous god’s ass so bad that his soul will cower in fear.” Calming down a bit, Göll nodded and took Natasha’s hand. “Let’s do this!”

As the pair performed Volündr, Natasha’s heart began to sink a bit. She knew this might be the last time she sees her father and son. She could feel Göll’s reluctance and her also sinking heart. She knew that if they died, that was it. No afterlife. Their souls shattered and another loss for Humanity. As Göll became her weapon, Natasha smiled as she held the large and deadly looking black blade. “You ready Göll?” The woman asked as she heard loud cheers of the crowd and Heimdall announced that her father won his match.

“Looks like we got a pretty big spot to fill. My dad won. Let’s ride on their morale huh?” Göll responded with a shaky voice. “O-ok! Let’s win this!!” As Natasha made her way to the entrance on the human side, she could vaguely see the silhouette of a man. A very large man. His eyes seemed to pierce through her soul as she stared at him. His eyes alone made her feel shorter than she already was.  Then he left. Without a word or any reaction “Who was that Natasha?” Göll asked. The woman shrugged as she started to try and hype herself up. “I’m not sure, Göll.” Taking in a deep breath, Natasha looked up to the sky and closed her eyes.

She thought about her life before all this. She thought about her father. She thought about her mother. She thought about her son. How he might have to watch her die all over again. That can't be good to put him through that trauma. Suddenly the loud sound of Heimdall introducing her opponent broke Natasha out of her thoughts and made her look forward. As the god began to introduce her, the woman walked through the entrance. Her confidence coming off as a cocky woman who never lost a battle to anyone. While Natasha stood in front of the god known as Dionysus, the other gods began to make a fuss.

“She’s Sasaki’s daughter?! Her!?” Ares felt his heart nearly break. The beautiful woman that helped her earlier was not only human but the daughter of the man that just killed his uncle!? How cruel this was. Hermes smiled softly while studying Natasha’s appearance. “She is quite beautiful. No wonder she fooled around with almost everyone she fought. I don’t think I could resist her either.” Ares glared at his brother before turning his attention back to the ring. “I have to agree with Hermes there. She looks like the type of woman who only fights and sleeps with the strongest men. It’s a wonder she hasn’t fucked a god yet.” Shiva commented as his eyes were glued to Natasha’s covered bosom.

“You’ve got to be kidding me. A woman?” Dionysus said in general shock and disbelief. When he was offered an opportunity to fight in Ragnarok, he was excited and jumped at the offer. Already seeing what type of fighters the humans had to offer, he was hype to fight one. Fantasizing what type of beast would walk through those doors. Only to be greeted with a small woman who looked like he could use her as a doll more than a fierce fighting opponent. “Well uh yes lord Dionysus. She is your opponent.” Dionysus shook his head in refusal. “Bullshit. I don’t wanna fight a woman. Send out someone else. A man this time.”

As Dionysus tried to convince Heimdall to send out a different human for him to fight, he heard Natasha snickering behind him. “Something funny little human?” He asked as he turned to her with an eyebrow raised. “Oh it just, I find it really funny how you’re scared to fight me is all.” The man felt his left eye twitch as he heard this. “I’m not scared. I’m just trying to spare your life.” Natasha cackled as she shook her head. “No. You’re definitely scared. What is it? Is it because I’m a girl? You're scared of girls grape man?”

The god felt anger rise in him as he heard this tiny yet sexy mortal woman mock him for trying to be a gentleman. “Oh trust me! I’m far from being scared of women! I just don’t want to harm you!” Although his words were somewhat truthful, Dionysus started to think how it would feel to actually beat the crap out of this one woman in particular. She at first was amusing but now she’s being quite annoying. “I smell something. What’s that?” Heimdall and Dionysus looked at Natasha confused as she began sniffing the air.

Both sides of the coliseum watched curiously to see what she was gonna say next. “Oh! Now I know what it is! A bitch.” A deadly and cocky smirk painted Natasha’s lips as the human side erupted in roars of cheering and laughter. “That’s my mom!” Hajime shouted as he smiled. Musashi, Hozoin and Seijuro smirked as well as her former teachers as they knew that line of hers was a classic that she used to bait an unwilling opponent into a fight. “She said that to me when we first met!” Seijuro commented as he watched  Natasha smirk and point Göll's blade form at the god.

“Why you little! Fine! If a fight’s what you want?! I’ll give you one! I’ll wipe that nasty little smirk off your pretty little face!” Natasha only nodded as she paced back and forth like a lion. “I’m ready if you are. Your uncle probably wants some company in niflheim. I’ll help you get there. Bitch.” 



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