First Win

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The other swordsman felt himself stiffen as Natasha glanced at him from over her shoulder. “You knew it was me?” Natasha shook her head as she grinned slightly. “I know your gaze from anywhere, Musashi. How could I not?” As the pair exchanged words, Natasha couldn’t help but get a sinking feeling when she then gave the fight her full attention. She knew she would see her father fight at some point but not so soon. “If he dies…I swear…” Suddenly, a hand touched her shoulder. “You’ll what small Sasaki?” Looking at the man, Natasha felt herself perk up. “Seijuro! Long time no see!” The man smiled at her while his eyes, like usual, traveled up and down her body. This didn’t go unnoticed either. “My eyes are here Seijuro. Not on my tits.”

Another voice spoke up, completely disapproving of the behavior of Seijuro. “Do you honestly think that it’s at all appropriate to be flirting with Kojiro’s daughter during his match?” The other swordmaster asked. “Oh come on now Hozoin, like you never felt up Natasha! And you’re supposed to be a monk! So it’s worse for you to do it than me!” Seijuro said as he pointed an accusing finger at the monk\martial artist. Hearing the men behind her bickering like children, Natasha rolled her eyes while mumbling to herself. “Please. My own son doesn’t even act like this. And the last time I saw him, he was 13.” Looking on, Natasha’s nerves were jumping off the rails. Every swing, every hit, every carefully thought out move worried her more.

Knowing that at any point, her father’s life could be taken in one swift motion. The god Kojiro was fighting, was undeniably handsome. His striking blonde hair and dark cold eyes. His spectacular physique and his enormous strength. It pissed her off knowing that she would gladly fuck him if he wasn’t trying to actively kill her father. “Come on dad…you got this..” As Natasha cheered on her father, a young swordsman singled her out in the crowd and walked towards her. As he made his way over to her, the men around Natasha felt the air become cold and a sense of danger overcame them. “What’s that feeling Dad? It’s making me scared.” Musashi was quick to comfort his son. “Don’t fear Iori. there’s nothing to worry about.” The man said. Suddenly, he stiffened as the feeling began to grow.

Looking over his shoulder, his eyes widened as he made eye contact with the young swordsman whose aura was causing such duress. His long black hair and his strikingly similar appearance to Natasha and some mysterious man made the older swordsman question if this was the rumored son of his former lover. The young man made his way over to Natasha and put a hand on her head. “Mama?” Nearly jumping out her skin, Natasha turned to the voice and her eyes widened. “Oh my god…Hajime?” The young man smiled at his mother before engulfing her in a tight hug in which she gladly returned. The very last time she had seen her son was the day she was killed in a battle with a group of swordsmen who went against everything she stood for.

They tried to ruin her reputation and in defacing a statue of her father, challenged her to a duel that ended in her losing her life. Natasha didn’t know it, but Hajime was there. He saw everything and it motivated him into becoming a great swordsman and to avenge her death. He died after the battle once he was sure every one of the men that had a part in his mother's death was dead. He died kneeling in front of his mother’s grave after he presented the sword that belonged to the man that delivered the killing strike to her only 6 years prior. He was 19 at the time of his death. “Look at you…so grown up now…How are you?” The young man could only smile then his eyes filled with tears as he looked upon his mother.

“I never thought I’d see you again Mama…Not after those men ripped you away from me…” Natasha put a hand on her son’s cheek and smiled softly. “I missed you as well my son. My sweet baby boy.” As the two talked to each other, Musashi, Seijuro and Hozoin looked on in amazement. The only time they had seen Natasha expressing other feelings besides bloodlust was well lust. Not once have they ever seen her so sweet and gentle. Not ever. While she was expressing her feelings of genuine love and relief to her son, Natasha was brought out of the moment when she heard a loud slashing noise. Daring herself to look, the woman looked on in horror as she watched Kojiro put a hand on his bloody wounds while his sword was broken in two.

“Dad!” Natasha could only watch helplessly thinking that her father was surely gonna die. “Hey, Mr. Sea god, Let me ask you something. Have you ever lost yourself to the swing of the blade at night? Or respected your opponent so much that you were  willing to die for them? How about loving your child so much that you were determined to win this match just for her?” Natasha froze as she heard her father's words. He wanted to win…for her? “Hmmm No. Nevermind. I forget, You never did any of that.” A surge of adrenaline passed through both Natasha and Hajime as the two watched Kojiro manage to make two swords from his fractured one. “Grandpa is a badass.” Hajime commented as he smiled watching his grandfather fight the sea god known as Poseidon.

But this wouldn’t last very long as Natasha noticed her father begin to slow down due to his injury and how Poseidon bounced back so quickly. Watching him falter made the woman nervous and caused her to shout out to her father. “Dad! You can’t give up! Not now! Not ever! I finally met you and I’m not willing to lose you again!” Watching this, Hajme followed his Mother’s example. “Quit acting like a punk and do what a Sasaki would do!! Beat his ass Grandpa!!!” It didn't take long for the other swordmasters to join in on cheering for Kojiro. Soon enough, the whole human side was rooting for Kojiro. The older man smiled as his eyes met his daughter’s and his grandson’s.

Wait…he has a grandson? This is definitely a conversation he has to have with her after this. Standing next to her son, Natasha was soon tapped on her shoulder by a woman. “Ms.Brünnhilde would like to see you Ms.Sasaki.” Looking over her shoulder as she turned to follow the woman, Natasha smiled at her father and her son. Walking to Brünnhilde, the swordswoman looked at the Valkyrie suspiciously. “What do you want? You know you just interrupted me watching my father kill a god.” Brünnhilde turned to Natasha. “Are you familiar with a god named Dionysus?” Natsha thought for a bit before shaking her head. “No I don’t think I am. Why?” Brünnhilde sighed a bit frustrated.

“They want to send him out next. And I’m considering having you fight. What do you think?” Natasha felt a huge grin come to her face. “I'll annihilate him.” The eldest Valkyrie only nodded and smiled as she typed in Natasha as the next contender. “So, who’s gonna be my Völundr?” Brünnhilde and Natasha then both looked at a confused Göll. “Wait…HUH?!”



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