Do or Die

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A/N: Your callsign is 'Knife'

Word count: 1.8k

It was my second day in Al Mazrah, the heat was like no other. Smoke and dust hung thickly in the air, and I couldn't take a deep breath without feeling the soot blacken my lungs. Not that I really cared about that, my smoking habit was doing the same thing anyway. Speaking of, I could really go for a cigarette right about now.

My ears were filled with a cacophony of sounds that assaulted my senses. The deafening roar of gunfire, the booming explosions scorching the earth around me, and the harrowing screams of dying soldiers. Friend and foe. A perfect symphony of chaos.

The acrid smell of burning material and gunpowder permeated the atmosphere around me, mingling with the metallic aroma of blood that I could almost taste.

My thighs screamed in pain as I remained crouched behind a concrete barrier, the weight of my gear and weapons weighing down on me like a pile of bricks. The barrier gave me a fragile sense of protection, as long as I was behind it I'd be safe, well that's what I at least told myself to soothe my nerves. It was bullshit, obviously.

Adrenaline coursed through my veins as my fingers remained tightly gripped around the stock of my rifle. Any moment the relative "safety" of my concrete sanctuary could be shattered.

I took a deep shaky breath as I cautiously peeked over the barrier and scanned the war torn landscape around me. My heartbeat thrummed wildly in my ears. It was hard to make out any distant movement with the large clouds of smoke obscuring my visibility, leaving the world around me in an eerie haze.

Tracer rounds streaked through the sky, leaving fiery trails in their path as they cut across the town. The thunderous impact of artillery shells reverberated through the air, sending shockwaves and shrapnel in every direction. The landscape constantly shifted as explosions reshaped the terrain, leaving behind crumpled structures and upturned earth.

The world outside seemed so distant, distorted by smoke and debris. My eyes remained focused, scanning the area around me with laser precision. Movement. Fuck.

Menacing silhouettes of American enemy soldiers began advancing toward me with a quick speed. The protection I once felt was long gone, it was do or die. 

My system went into overdrive, and my body geared into autopilot as muscle memory kicked in. My muscles and mind worked in unison as I aligned my sights on the closest threat, the weight of my rifle felt familiar and comfortable in my hands.

Time seemed to slow as I gazed through the scope attached to my weapon, I kept a steady grip on the trigger as my finger gently squeezed it. A controlled burst of gunfire erupted from the barrel. Bullets zipped through the air, seeking the targets I had chosen in front of me. They found their mark and hit them with deadly accuracy.

I immediately found shelter behind the concrete barrier once more and reloaded my gun at an almost superhuman speed before peeking out once again and repeating the process. With each reload, and more neutralized targets, my motions became more fluid and instinctual with a perfect balance of speed and precision.

I tuned out the short bursts of radio chatter in my ear before finally, "Knife, what's your status?"

"Blaze, fuck man I was worried about you." I sighed in relief as I ducked behind the shelter of the barrier once more, with a steady motion I released the magazine catch, and swiftly discarded it to the side, my eyes never leaving the battlefield in front of me.

"You know me Knife, always resourceful." I could almost see Blaze's grin through the light static of the comms.

"Never doubted you for a second," I replied as my fingers fished through the pouch on my gear, retrieving a fresh magazine, "what's your location?" I waited for a response as my fingers glided along the edges of the mag, confirming its readiness. I aligned the mag and pushed it into its rightful place inside my weapon, the satisfying click was music to my ears.

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