Fucked Up

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Word count: 2.3k

Blaze POV (5 minutes before)

It was as if my eyes were playing tricks on my mind, seeing her small figure grow larger in the distance. Everyone said she was KIA, that she died in Al Mazrah, but I didn't believe that. She was a fighter, I always assumed she would return. And here she was, running frantically through hails of bullets back to me, her best friend. She was always a wild one, living life on the edge, she didn't even seemed fazed by the gunshots directed in her path, the way they barely avoided her. There was a small graze visible on her arm, I don't even think she noticed the way her blood dripped behind her, giving her enemies insight on where she was going. 

When she finally recognized me in the sea of AQ soldiers, the look of relief etched on her features was enough to make me smile, a huge grin began to tug at the corners of my mouth. As she became clearer into focus, I saw the big bold letters belonging to the British SAS inscribed on her vest, their emblem littering her uniform. My eyebrows knitted tightly together, what the hell was going on? Her eyes widened at me when I noticed it, "I CAN EXPLAIN!" She screamed out at me. Regret was written on her face, there must be a good reason, she would never betray us, not after what she'd been through.

That's when my gaze fell on the man running up behind her, my facial features immediately hardened. They weren't about to take her away from me again, no way in God's green Earth will I allow that to happen, not when she was almost back in my grasp. My hands gripped firmly around the stock of my rifle, my eye peering carefully through the scope. I needed my aim to be precise, the bullet would have to narrowly avoid her. The fear in her eyes made my blood boil, did she really think I was going to fucking kill her? After everything we've done for each other? They've corrupted her beyond belief. 

The other soldiers chatter around me blurred into obscurity as I became drawn into the vortex of my singular objective: Kill the man without killing her in the damn process. After steadying my rifle, I was finally able to get a good enough shot, he was closing in on her, it was now or never. My finger carefully squeezed the trigger of my rifle, the recoil almost knocking me off my feet as the bullet found its mark, lodging straight into the man's chest. A satisfactory grin spread across my lips as his body dropped to the ground.

But when her eyes fucking opened, when she turned around and the confusion morphed into undeniable regret and sadness, that's when I knew. She was no longer one of us, she was no longer an AQ soldier, she probably thought she was fucking better than us, than me. Rationality took a backseat in my mind as anger surged in my veins. Was she choosing a fucker she met a week ago over me? Her life long best friend? After everything I've done for her? With gritted teeth, my eye peered through the scope once again, aiming down at her trembling body.

Before I could squeeze the trigger, a bullet found its way into my arm, digging through my flesh and ripping it apart. A pained yell spilled from deep in my throat as the weapon in my grasp clattered to the dirt below me, my eyes narrowed down as I went to pick it up again, but one look at the man who shot me had my tail between my legs. A huge figure with a face hidden beneath a skull mask, the fire in his eyes alone burned brighter than all the flames in hell combined. Looking back at the rest of my comrades, I managed to speak between gritted teeth. "Call the military," I grunted, my hand gripping tightly against the gaping wound in my arm. 

Glancing one last time at Y/n, I turned on my heel and ran off. She'd regret betraying her comrades, her country, me. I'd make sure of it. Til we meet again, traitor.

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