
4.7K 130 214

A/N: i'm sorry in advance, don't hate me!

Word count: 3.2k

Slowly, the Sun began to set in the horizon, the once vibrant blue sky was now painted in golden hues, leaving the world in an amber haze. The scenery surrounding us was truly beautiful, mountaintops were covered in blankets of snow, contrasting heavily against the light pinks and purples of wispy clouds littering the atmosphere. It seemed like a picture straight out of a Bob Ross YouTube video. The winding dirt roads were encompassed by thickets of greenery. The rotting smell had thankfully left the car, and I could relax somewhat. 

As we continued to drive Soap, as always, was either asking never ending questions, or offering light chatter to everyone inside the vehicle. Ghost shot him some annoyed looks, Alejandro had checked out awhile ago, I would just nod my head, and poor Rodolfo received the shit end of the stick as Soap directed most of his attention into him, so he was stuck with replying, a true hero. I love Soap, but he really needs to work on his people skills and gain some context clues. "Hey Soap," I butted in, stopping his chatter mid sentence about him asking why Mexico and Las Almas were two separate things, "Could you maybe... kindly shut the fuck up?" I smiled.

He pouted his lips, crossing his arms over his chest as he turned away from me, "Only because you asked so nicely," he mumbled under his breath. I'm not even being dramatic when I tell you every single person in the SUV let out an audible breath of relief. Soap noticed this and glared at everyone causing me to bite back a laugh. Shaking my head slightly and grinning up at him, I gave him a reassuring pat on the back with a sigh. "You'll be alright," I mumbled. His entire body recoiled and he slammed up against the car door to avoid my touch, so dramatic. Rolling my eyes, I glared at him before looking away. Last time I'm gonna try and boost fucking morale around here. 

Stars began to speckle across the sky as noon began its shift into night, the stars were much more prominent in Las Almas seeing how there wasn't much light pollution, at least where we were going. The car halted to an abrupt stop underneath a canopy of trees, the other vehicles behind us doing the same thing. After flicking the safety off my rifle and checking the weight of it, I hopped out of the SUV after Soap. The air that was once kissed with the Sun's heat had now been replaced with a cool, gentle breeze. Groaning softly, I began to stretch out my legs, I swear, over the course of this day alone I'm pretty sure I've been in a sitting position for 90% of it.

"You know you're like an old woman," Soap joked, eyeing me up and down with a cheeky grin. My eyes narrowed down at him, "You took up half my fucking seat, I don't wanna hear it," I mumbled in return, twisting my back, earning a few pops, he gave me a knowing look, clearly holding back an "I told you so". Yikes, maybe he's right. Rolling my eyes, I turned away from him. Alejandro walked in front of the vehicles, looking between all of us, "Team leaders, circle up on me," he ordered through the earpiece in a sexy ass accent. More than happy to oblige, I walked up closer to him before realizing I, in fact, am not a team leader and embarrassedly took a step backwards.

Rodolfo nodded his head and approached him, "Copy, Colonel," he replied, turning his gun in his hand to ensure its readiness. Soldiers began to appear quite literally out of thin air, most of which walked up to Rodolfo waiting on his demand. Alejandro smiled and gave a quick head nod, "Weapons hot, Vaqueros." The other soldiers began to walk off, some nodding back and others speaking in Spanish. Soap approached Alejandro and Rodolfo and, you guessed it, asked another question. At least it was important this time, "Where they holding Hassan?" Just hearing his name made me feel uneasy. If he saw me, his soldier, who fucking knows what he'd do. I'd have to make sure I manage to run off before they find him. 

Sweat began to pour from my body as I thanked internally for the light breeze whipping against my frame, cooling me down somewhat. Ghost seemed to pick up on this as he began to approach me, but kept himself at an arms length. His eyes narrowed down, his gaze flicking from my wide eyes down to my shaking hands. God, why does my body have to betray me? "White two-story building, back of town," Alejandro replied, he glanced around before his own gaze fell on me, his lips pursing. Guess Ghost isn't the only one picking up on my nervousness. "You good hermosa (beautiful)?" He asked softly. Forcing a smile on my lips I nodded my head, "Never better."

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