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Word Count: 1.9k

The rhythm of my breathing began to spiral out of control as the SUV drove off, kicking up grass and dirt behind its wheels. Price's hands gripped the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles turned white against the olive backdrop of his skin, the sole of his foot pressing harshly against the pedal. A chaotic symphony of my rapid intakes and shaky exhales filled up the otherwise silent interior of the car. My chest began to heave, a visceral response to my body's urging plea for oxygen. In for four, hold for four, out for four, in... in... no, out. My body erupted into cold sweats as I fought for even just a normal breath of air, lightheadedness overshadowing my mind. In and out, in and fucking out, why isn't this fucking working? Tears burned the sensitive skin around my eyes as its salty streams continuously flowed from my waterline, my mouth filling with saliva. 

The world began to blur around me, its edges softened by my relentless pace of breaths coming too fast, too shallow. The air surrounding my mouth and nostrils felt elusive, slipping through my trembling fingers. "You've really done it this time Y/n," Price growled at me from the front seat, malice and hate dripping from his tongue, "You've really, really done it." My dilated pupils darted up to where he sat, a lump of words getting caught up deep in the base of my throat. My fingers curled into tightly bound fists behind my back, my nails digging into the scarred tissue of my palms, the zip ties feeling exceptionally tight. In only two weeks I had managed to stumble back to square one, to be imprisoned before I'd inevitably stare down the barrel of a gun again. No matter what I seem to do, everything always seemed to catch up to me. 

My intricate webs of deceit that were once meticulously woven began to unravel right before my watering eyes. Running from lies you once believed were impenetrable will always slowly give way, crumbling at your fingertips before you'd even realize it, no matter what you seemed to do, no matter what measures you took. Because if you aren't paying enough attention, if you aren't tying up loose ends and looking over your shoulder constantly, they'll tip toe up behind you, covering your eyes without you realizing it. And finally, when it takes its hands away, all of a sudden you find yourself trapped inside its spindle, helplessly looking out at how much havoc its caused behind your back without you even knowing until it was too late. 

My chest continued to burn as time seemed to distort around me, stretching and compressing in erratic intervals. But now, all I could really do was sit back and watch as my fibs finally caught up to me, watch how my life would slowly start to fall apart at its seams. Eventually they would've found out, all it took was someone looking hard enough, someone prying deep enough, for the truth to reveal itself against my pleading wishes, against my cries to the heavens up above. 

My head lolled to side as I stared out of the window next to me, my damp forehead pressed against its cool glass. My teary vision watched how the Sun slowly began to rise in the horizon, bathing the landscape we drove through in its golden glow, warming up the Earth. The world would continue to spin, the Sun would continue to rise and fall every morning and every night, our planet would keep chugging along, life would keep chugging along. With or without me in it. As tears glistened in my eyes, the vehicle halted to an abrupt stop, my head snapping forward and smacking harshly into the seat in front of me. An unmistakeable taste of iron filled my mouth, blood mixing with saliva trickling from the corners of it soon after, running down my chin before dripping onto my shirt.

The car door next to me was ripped open, Price standing on the other side of it with a deadly glare aimed my way. A loud wince fell from between my clenched teeth as his hand shot up to the nape of my neck, dragging me out of the car by it. "Should've let Simon put that bullet through your skull when I had the fuckin' chance," he growled in my ear, his words bringing tears to my eyes. My feet continued to stumble beneath me, unable to keep up with pace Price had set as he yanked me along back inside of Alejandro's safe house, my knees feeling like they'd buckle at any moment. "Fuckin' move it," Price barked, his spit flying in my face as his neck angled itself down at me, his fingers digging deeply into the soft flesh of my neck. 

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