Wake Up

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Word Count: 3k

My mother looked over at me from the dark red, worn down sofa adorned with colorful pillows that had long lost their plushness, each with their own intricate design. "Sunflower," she called out to me, her voice soft like summer rain. My eyes looked around the living room as I slowly approached her, my tiny feet pattering against the carpeted floor. The window was filled with a bright light, shining into the area we sat in together as I hopped onto the couch. A small smile formed on my lips as I looked at my mother, in all her beautiful glory. She looked so young, no wrinkles or fine lines were etched into her skin, no heavy eye bags, no stream of tears rolling down her cheeks, she was how I always wanted her to be, how I loved her to be.

"Mama," I replied, my voice holding so much sincerity, so much purity. Much like her, no scars littered my body, no injuries or bruises to tell the tale of my hardships, no blood, no destruction, no loss, just a youthful innocence. My mother smiled down at me, her eyes soft and so full of love, just her presence alone had my heart swelling. "You've grown so much my sweet girl," she cooed, ruffling the hair on my head as she spoke. A high-pitched giggle found its way through my lips as I squirmed around, swatting her fingers from my hair with a bright smile. "I know mama, I've grown a whole inch!" I exclaimed happily, promptly standing up to show her just how tall I've gotten.

My mother shook her head, her smile lasting longer than I'd ever remembered it. "Not like that sunflower," she explained, wrapping her arms around my stomach and pulling me on top of her lap, turning me to face her. "In here," she whispered, pointing her finger to my heart. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked down at my chest, not understanding what that could possibly mean. "But mama-" she cut me off, softly shushing me, "I'm so proud of who you have become my angel," she whispered, pecking my nose with a soft kiss. My heart ached in my chest, but I couldn't understand why. With a kiddish smile, I nodded my head, "Thank you mama," I replied happily. 

With a small smile she began to attack my face with kisses, making my small body shake with laughter, "Mama!" I shrilled, followed by a few giggles. She pulled away with one last peck to my cheek, "I love you my sunflower," she whispered to me softly, her lips still curled up at the sides. "I love you too mama," I replied, smiling brightly right back at her. After a few moments, she turned me back around, picking up the remote and turning on the boxy television in front of us, picking a show I'd never seen before. My eyebrows pinched together as I stared at the screen, watching how one cartoon character looked pretty hurt, "Mama, what is this?" I asked softly, my mother only rubbed my back in return, remaining quiet.

My body began to squirm the longer the cartoon played out before me, the girl who seemed to be hurt was surrounded by a few other people. Some with funny hairstyles and one other with a weird halloween costume. "Mama," I mumbled, not wanting to watch this anymore. "It's okay Y/n," she replied, my chest ached again at the usage of my name, usually she only called me that when I was in trouble for staying up past my bedtime or having one too many sweets after dinner. So, I stayed quiet. Tears brimmed my eyes as I watched the halloween man begin to yell at one of the other people surrounding the girl, the one helping her. 

My gaze traveled up at my mother who looked back down at me with a sad expression, tears filling her own eyes. Not wanting to watch my mother cry, I redirected my attention back onto the TV, clutching her hand with my tiny one. The girl on the television was now getting her chest pumped on, confusion filled my mind as I watched the scene play out. The man with the funny hairstyle was growing very upset just like the halloween man did, the one helping her was sweating, still pumping his hands up and down, up and down. It looked like it hurt a lot. The light through the window began to hurt my eyes as it grew brighter, almost blinding me. Where were the curtains we always had?

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