True Colors

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Word count: 2.5k

Nervously, I began to fidget with the soppy, crisp edges of my tactical vest, running my fingers over the British flag logo stitched onto the forefront of it. My clothes clung to my body, saturated by the river water. Rivulets of dirty wetness began to cascade down the contours of my form before pooling down into my tactical boots. As I began to approach the SUV once again, a subtle squelching sound followed me as I walked. The entire sensation was nothing short of fucking uncomfortable. 

That horrible feeling was soon replaced by sheer, undeniable joy. Ghost's fat ass already took one of the window seats, of course, while Alejandro and Rodolfo sat up front, duh. But you know what seats were left? The window and the middle. Meanwhile, Soap was still behind me, muttering to himself as he continued trying to squeeze the water out of his clothes. "Oh hell yeah," I mumbled under my breath before whipping my body around and sprinting toward the right side of the SUV. Soap's head shot up, his eyes widened as he booked it after me. "Don't you even think about it lass!" He yelled out, his footsteps growing near. 

A huge grin found its way to my face as I ripped open the SUV door and plopped my soaked ass down straight on the warm leather seat, next to the window. Once Soap caught up, not even a second later, his eyes narrowed down at me as I stared up at him, triumph written all of my features. "Oh I'm so sorry... seems the middle seat is all that's left," I mumbled, a sarcastic pout pulling at the edges of my mouth. He smirked down at me, shifting his weight to his right foot, crossing his arms over his chest. "Oh... I understand," he whispered, tapping the corner of his jaw, looking up into the sky. He side eyed me before continuing, "But... you know, my ribs, the ones that were bruised by a bullet... you know those, well... they really hurt and I think the only remedy is your window seat." My eyebrows furrowed, no way was he really pulling that card on me. Groaning curses to myself, I scooted my ass over to the middle, glaring at Soap the entire time.

With a satisfied sigh, he sat down in my seat before slamming the door closed behind him. "How many times are you planning to pull that card on me," I mumbled, my eyes still drilling holes into the side of his stupid Scottish face. With the same cheeky smirk on his mouth, he looked down at me, "I think you already know the answer to that," he winked. Great, so basically for the rest of my entire life, which might not be that long after what happened today. Rolling my eyes, I crossed my arms tightly over my chest, river water spilling out from the fabric of my clothes, pouring into my lap. "Ugh, why did we have to escape in a dirty ass river," I mumbled, shaking my head. 

Rodolfo smirked, looking back at me from the rearview mirror, "Ah, must suck being so wet," he joked. My eyes narrowed into the tiniest slits possible, my lips pulling to the side. It was taking everything in my being not to throw my drenched tactical vest into his stupid fucking face. Noticing this, he immediately directed his attention back to the road in front of him. "Sorry," he mumbled under his breath as he reversed the car, driving off toward Alejandro's base. 

Remember how uncomfortable it was the first time having to sit in the middle? Having two large, broad bodies squishing into me at every possible moment. Remember that? Because I sure as hell fucking do. Now, multiple that by ten thousand. No only was I being smashed between two people, those people reeked of disgusting river water and they fucking dripped their cold, dirty wetness on me the entire goddamn time. A scowl remained on my face the whole length of the car ride, shooting glares at Soap every few minutes or so which he would return with a grin. 

The minute we pulled up into Alejandro's base, I was already jumping over Soap's body straight out of the SUV, obviously elbowing him purposefully in the process. My eyes traveled over the entirety of the base, taking in all the different structures and buildings. An edifice stood tall directly in front of us, surrounded by thick, concrete walls with fortified gates placed strategically between them. Some Los Vaqueros soldiers walked by, giving head nods to Alejandro before continuing whatever it was they were doing. 

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