Mine Forever

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I'm getting up at five thirty and searching everywhere for a copy of Bloomberg Business Week.
I ended up finding a copy in that convenience store near her place.
I drove by her house to see if any car was in the drive way.
It was just her black Mustang Shelby GT500 with its two purple stripes down the middle.
I really couldn't predict that Tyler would have a car like that, but she said it was her dream car.
She made a very specific distinction, "dream car as in I dreamt of it once and then decided that it'd be the car I'd buy. Not like when people say a car is their dream car cause they really like it."
I asked if she even liked the car.
I asked if she just felt dedicated to buying it cause it appeared in her unconscious mind.
She said she loved the car.
So I guess that's that.

I didn't really expect to see any other car.
I knew the likelihood would be incredibly slim.
It's five in the morning.
But still.
I'm keeping watch of her place from now on.

She called me immediately upon landing, saying she'd be out at the pick up floor up about twenty minutes.
So I waited the twenty minutes in my black Mercedes, having told her what to look out for.
I held the magazine rolled up in my right hand, wrist of my left resting casually on the wheel.
At moments I felt so impatient I had to resist crushing the magazine in my grip.
I just wanted her to be with me already.
The few days was fucking enough, torturous.

I see her coming through the large sliding glass doors, carry on suitcase in her clutch.
She's dressed in a pair of low-rise ripped jeans that are held up desperately by a black belt.
She's got chains hanging from her belt loops.
Her chest is barely covered in a red leather sleeveless-vest that is only held together with a zipper in the very middle of her chest.
One wrong move and her tits could be flashing everyone.
I love Tyler.

She's leaning over and I'm staring at her largely exposed cleavage.
She narrows her eyes at me, I wave at her.
The window's rolled down and she's quickly recognizing me.
I'm getting out of the car and heading over to the trunk where we meet.
We don't have much time before some ball-buster is coming to tell us that we've gotta move along.
But I quickly grab onto her waist and force her closer, shoving my lips on hers.
The kiss is sloppy and I'm practically fucking her tongue with mine.
I'm pulling back to come crashing back in again.
She's letting a shocked moan slip and my dick is taking notice.

I pull my lips away properly, grinning uncontrollably.
"Welcome back, baby girl, how was the flight?" I'm asking, looking at her dazed expression.
I'm peppering kisses to her neck waiting for her to come up with words.

"You're looking like a Calvin Klein model this morning" she's saying, acknowledging the fact that I very purposefully didn't put anything under the grey sweater I've got half unzipped.
And yes, I am in fact wearing Calvin Klein boxers on full display.
I'm glad she noticed.
She suddenly narrows her eyes, stares off into the distance and states, "I hate Calvin Klein models"
I'm letting out a chuckle, regretfully pulling away from her so I can pop the trunk and place her suitcase inside.

She begins to clarify, "But you're fine, you're good, good good and good. How are you? Are you splendid? -Oh yes, my flight. It was fucking uneventful, I got a lot of sketching done though"
That's a lot of words shoved into a very short amount of time.
I barely process it all.

"Ok, you've been awake for twenty hours" I'm observing with a smirk, slamming the trunk shut and escorting her over to the passenger side door.

"Gentleman... Gentle... man... awww" she's drawling on as I open the door for her.
She pats me on the cheek before I'm closing the door.
Yeah, I'm about to fuck the shit out of her.
But yeah, I can be a gentleman.

I slip into the drivers seat and close the doors.
I'm locking them quickly and Tyler's humming her approval.
"That's right! Gotta protect against the child predators" she's stating matter-of-factly, sticking her pointer finger in the air.

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