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Best friend: Maverick
Boyfriend: Chase
You: Celeste

"Baby. Baby wake up sweetie, it's beach day." Chase softly says as he wakes me up. I open my eyes and smile at him and playfully groan.
"Noo! more sleeeep!" I cover my face with the pillow and he chuckles and kisses my chest and neck making me giggle and squirm. He removes the pillow from my face and kisses my lips softly.
"We're gonna be late if I let you sleep in, hun." He says caressing my cheek. I look him in his warm brown eyes.
"I'm up I'm up. Just let me shower."
Im in the passanger seat nodding my head to some music as my hand is on Chase's thigh.
"We're gonna get Maverick, he's coming with. That cool with you?" He asks. I nod and say yes but my nerves shoot up and I remove my hand but Chase doesn't notice. Good. Maverick is his best friend and has been since they were teenagers. We're all in our early twenties now. The truth is that for some reason whenever Maverick is around I can't help but feel a little awkward. Not because he makes me uncomfortable but just because... well I guess he does make me uncomfortable. But in a way that I'm so ashamed of. He is really, really attractive. Don't get me wrong Chase is a handsome guy as well. He's tall and strong and really cute in the face. But Maverick, god he's just so hot. The way he talks in his low raspy voice, the way he sits low in his seat with his legs spread, and his laugh makes my heart flutter is the worst way. I can't say some of these things about Chase. But he's my boyfriend and I do love him.
We pull up to Mav's apartment and hes standing there in front of his door in sweatpants and a hoodie, with his hands in his pockets. He smiles when he sees us and I smile back.
"Aye Mav-Mav, get in bud." Chase hollered out the window and Maverick got in the car.
"Yo what's up man. How you doing, Celeste?" Hearing him say my name made me smile.
"I'm good. Why are you wearing that to the beach?" He looks down at his outfit and shrugs.
"I'm not swimming so I don't care." He says looking up and down at my outfit then away out the window. I was wearing a bright pink bikini with short shorts unbuttoned and a white wife beater that rides up to my belly button.
"Why not bro? It's a nice day and gonna be lots of girlsss." Chase sings and starts to drive. I give him a look as I turn back around from talking to Maverick.
"For Mav, babe." Chase defends himself with a playful smirk.
Maverick softly laughs and we just chatting it up on the half hour drive to the beach. When we got there Chase got out and went to get our towels and stuff. I opened the car door and Mav was infront of me looking down at me with his hand out.
"Oh thanks Mav." I smile grabbing his hand as he helps me out. His hand felt soft but also really strong.
"Okay gentleman, come help me out here." Chase says as he struggles with our things. I giggle as Mav smirks at me before going to help him.
As we find a nice spot we set down our chairs and towels. Chase takes off his shirt and sandals exposing his nice body. Then I go after him, talking off my sandals and shorts then my top, pulling it over my head. Mav was next to me as Chase was turned around searching for something in our cooler.
"Damn." I heard Maverick say under his breath. I don't think he knew that I heard but it made my heart skip a beat. I smirked to myself and let my hair loose shaking it out then looked over to him.
"You sure you don't wanna get in the water?" I ask him, snapping him out of the stare he was in with my body.
"Uh yeah. I'm good." He nods and looks away out at the water. I shrug and take Chases hand and we walk to the water. We have a good time, splashing each other and back floating. Chase gets this look on his face like he has an evil idea as he looks at Maverick sitting and scrolling through his phone. He finds a child's castle building cup and filled it with water. He runs up to to Maverick and throws it on him, drenching his hoodie and sweatpants completely. I cover my mouth in disbelief as I gasp.
"Dude what the hell!" Mav seemed mad at first then  just takes his hoodie off then his pants. My eyes widened. He had on underwear that covered him up and was long and just tight enough to not let anything show. But his body is what caught my attention. He wasn't particularly chiseled but I still liked it so much. I involuntarily licked and bit my bottom lip. He went chasing after Chase into the water and they play fought. I laughed as I was getting splashed by the fighting.
"You got in after all huh?" I giggled as they're fighting calmed down. Mav moved his wet hair out of his face and chuckled.
"I gotta pee bro." Chase says as I'm on his back. We're all in the deeper parts of the water and I'm on his back because I can't swim well. As he says that I panic.
"Don't! I right here babe that's gross!" I tell him. He laughs.
"I'm not I'm gonna go to the bathrooms."
"Bro really? Thats like halfway across the beach just go farther from here in the water." Chase explains how gross he thought that was.
"Well what about me? I'm gonna drown and I don't wanna go to the sand yet." I pout looking at him with puppy eyes. As he looks at me and smiles and turns to Maverick.
"Can you hold her till I come back bro?" He asks. God I hope he couldn't feel my heart beating faster. Maverick reluctantly nods.
"Yeah sure I don't mind man. You mind Celeste?" Mav asks. I just shake my head. Maverick swims over to us and stands directly to the left of Chase with his hands behind his back as Chase hands me over. I've never been this close to Maverick before and I really hope he can't feel my heartbeat. Chase thanks him and tells me he'll be back and swims away. Maverick has his hands under my thighs and I have my arms around his neck.
"Please don't drop me." I giggle and he lets out a short chuckle and slowly swims around. He lets go of his hold on my thighs making me wrap my legs completely around his waist and tighten the grip around his neck.
" Eee no! Mav stop!" I squeal. He laughs and goes back to his hands before.
" I got you it's okay." He says through his laughs.
" I liked that though." He mutters. I don't know if I'm imagining or what but I swear I felt his hands grip my thighs for a second.
"Haha.. what?" I blush.
He's making the shameful feelings come and they're coming in pretty strong. He twirls me around on his back making me tighten my grip on him again and making my legs tighten around his waist. I plant my face in the back his neck and giggly and squeal. He stops.
"That. I liked that." I can feel his smirk without even looking at his face.
"You.. you like when I grab you tighter..?" I ask quietly.  He nods.
"Only to make sure you don't slip and drown." He chuckles as I let out a breath and laugh softly back. After a minute he says he's taking me back to the shallow water and to not let go. When we get there he puts me down.
"I wonder where Chase is?" I say looking around. Maverick keeps his eyes on me and shrugs.
"Come here." He gestures his head to come towards him. I look at him in confusion.
"Huh? Why?"
"Just come here."
I walk towards him it not too close and he grabs my hand and softly pulls me in. We're a few inches away from each other.
"I'm gonna teach you to swim. Okay?" He asks. I can't speak and just nod. He smirks and bites his lip subtly, his hands seem slightly nervous as they go to my waist. My knees went weak immediately and my eyes are stuck on his. I could hear his breathing beginning to get heavy and his grip on my waist became stronger. Just then I saw chase walking down to where we were in the water. I gasp and immediately back up, Mavs hands letting go as he turns around seeing Chase.
It was getting cold out as I wrap the towel around me.
"I'm ready to go guys." I say shivering. Chase rubs my back and kisses my temple.
"Awe my little popsicle." That made me giggle. Chase threw his shirt back on and gave Mav some extras, then we walked to the car. Maverick hasn't looked at me since Chase came back from the bathroom. He probably feels guilty after what happened in the water, I mean I know I do.

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