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Maverick's POV
After Cel left earlier I felt like such an idiot. Why did I break up with Hailey so quickly and just leave her shit lying around. Why did I make Cel break up with Chase that night. She doesn't deserve any of this stress and heartache. I just don't deserve her. Nonetheless I can't have Hailey's things here. I begin to put them all in a bag, I go into every room, every corner, under all the furniture, I check absolutely everywhere just to make sure. When I am sure thank they're all gone, I put the bag by the front door. Whether Hailey comes by to get her stuff or never speaks to me again I'm not really worried about it. Her stuff with stay in that bag until she comes for them or they get thrown away. I plop myself on my couch and lean back, sinking into the seat. I hang my head back on the cushion and sigh. I feel like things were going good night just for everything to fall apart. As much as I want to be with Celeste, I don't know if it's worth making her so upset.

Celeste's POV
I stood and watched Tyler walk out. The door closes behind him. I pick up my phone and call Maverick. He picks up immediately.
"Hello? Celeste? Are you there? Hello?" He calls out for me. I couldn't speak at first.
"H-hi...I'm here. Can you get me?" I begin to gently sob. "I-I'm sorry but I j-just can't...I can't be here. Please Mavy." I sob more into the phone. I can hear him car start by the time I'm done talking.
"I'm on my way Celeste, just stay there I'll be there soon." He says. I say okay and hang up. I wipe my tears and pack a few bags. Then I sit at the couch and stare at the wall for a few minutes until I heard a knock on the door. I went and answered it. Maverick stood there, relieved to see me. He immediately dove in and scooped me up in a comforting hug. I hugged back tightly.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I left like that." I say, my words muffled in his neck as I hug him. He puts me down and looks in my eyes with a small smile.
"Shh. It's okay. You're coming with me, it's okay now. Come on." He says taking me hand. He also grabs my bags and I lock the door behind us.

When we get back to his place I notice a filled black trash bag by the front door, it was tied closed. He places my bags on the couch.
"Uhm, about what I said earlier. About uh, loving you... and stuff. I-I didn't uh, I didn't mean it. And I'm sorry for saying it." He rubs the back of his neck as he looks for the words to say. I stood there for a moment and nod a bit, avoiding eye contact. He stares at me waiting for a response. I eventually look up at him and can't help but smile, even giggle a bit. The first time I've smiled in what feels like forever. It felt so good. The look on his face, the look of confusion just made me laugh. He brings to confusingly chuckle with me. I walk closer to him and place my hand his chest, looking up at him.
"What?" He asks. I feel his heart beat faster.
"Nothing." I say with my smile and a shrug.
"Come on. Let's get you comfortable, yeah? A nice shower? I can make you food." He suggests.
"Ugh. That's so nice. I'm very hungry actually." It wasn't until now when he mentioned food did it realize how empty my stomach felt. Almost to the point of pain.

He decided to order us some food and just relax after the crazy day we've had. He orders chipotle which is my absolute favorite.
"Mm that was so good. Thank you." I say as I finish my last bite, putting the fork down and leaning back against the couch. He crinkled his burrito wrapper and rubs his full belly.
"You're welcome. Good pick." He smiles and kisses my cheek.

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