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Since that night I couldn't stop thinking of Maverick. When Chase and I would kiss, I would close my eyes and imagine him, when we hugged I imagined him, when we cuddled, and worst of all when we had sex. Chase definitely satisfies me don't get me wrong, but I would just feel bad afterwards when I had closed my eyes half the time to imagine it wasn't him doing it to me.
"I'm off to work baby. I love you." Chase said as he grabbed the lunch bag I had prepared for him. I smile and go up to him giving him a kiss. He looks down at me with a raises eyebrow and a confused smile. I look back at him still just smiling, not wanting to respond.
"I love you, Celeste." He repeats, still standing there waiting for a response. I look at him in the eyes for a second then look down at his shirt fixing the collar as I give him the response he wanted.
"I love you, too. Have a great day." I smile and kiss his cheek. He gives a little smile back and goes out the door.
The sad truth is I don't know if I really did love Chase anymore. In the start of our relationship he and I were inseparable and madly in love. We are pretty young. We met just about 2 years ago when I just turned 19 when we met and he was 21. Maverick is the same age as Chase. At the time I thought Maverick was good looking but nothing more than that. I had no attraction to him whatsoever since I was so infatuated with Chase. Back then when he would would hold me I had this really warm fuzzy feeling and when he would kiss me I had butterflies. I loved the way he spoke to me with no much love and respect. The way he knew how to cheer me up when I was down. These days those things still happen just...less. I don't really get butterflies when we kiss or feel warm when we hug. I don't really feel connected to him during sex either. I try to play it off to myself as a normal thing. I mean you date someone for a while eventually the puppy love phase wears off and you just kind of get used to the person. But I believe it's something different.

My phone starts ringing and I go to grab it from the kitchen counter. Leaning against the counter, I answer the phone.
"Hey, Cel. It's Maverick." My posture stiffens when I hear his voice.
"Oh hey Mav. What's up?" I said, biting on the skin on my thumb.
"Is Chase there?" He asks, the background noise I can hear his car running.
"Uh no he just left for work."
"What? He said he had off today, we were gonna go do something. Well I was on my way over there if that's cool with you?" He says. I grin and crunch my nose excitedly.
"Yeah yeah it's cool with me. I'm not doing anything today."
"Cool I'll be there in a minute." He says then hangs up. I hold my phone close to my chest and softly squeal in excitement. In a few minutes I hear a knock at the door and go open it.
"Hey Cel. How's it going?" He says and goes in for a hug. I smile happily as he tightly hugs me. When he lets go I see Hailey behind him. I let go of him and smile at her with a wave.
"Hi, Hailey right?" I ask, knowing exactly who she was.
"Yeah haha. How are you, Celeste?" I invite them inside.
"I'm okay. Last time I saw you was at the party." I say with a little laugh. Her cheeks go pink and she laughs back.
"Sorry we had to meet like that." She says. Maverick smiles as he stands by her side with his arm around her waist. I keep a friendly face but wanted to hit him. What is he trying to do by bringing her here? Is he trying to make me feel guilty for the other night?
"No no it's okay you were great. You're really pretty and I love your hair by the way. It's so long!" I say and she runs her fingers through her hair and looks down at it thanking me. As she's not looking I give Maverick a look. Not particularly angry or annoyed just kind of like why is she here.
"I just wanted you two to formally meet. Maybe be friends?" He suggests. I nod looking at her.
"Sure. Y'all want something to drink? Maverick knows where the drinks are, come on we're ladies." I say playfully and giggle with Hailey. She's actually a lovely person. Maverick goes into the kitchen and Hailey and I sit on the couch. We talk for a bit about how she met Maverick. The story is she was at work when he came in and thought she was cute and asked for her number. They went on some dates and hung out a lot and here they are.
"We've only been together for like two weeks, but we've been friends for a little longer. Maybe a couple months." She says. He walks in with two glasses of water with ice. She thanks him with a kiss and I can't help but feel jealous. He look at me as he sits next to her, leaving a gap between me and them. He eyes me up and down. I was just wearing some gym shorts and a sweatshirt. I had short socks on but no shoes since I was inside. I'm not sure what he was looking at. I mean my outfit wasn't particularly sexy beside maybe my shorts since they're the kinds that really support your butt, but I was sitting down.
"That's nice. He's a handful good luck." I smirk as I sip my water. She looks back at him with a smile as he chuckles looking down.
We have been talking for a while, getting to know each other and she really is a cool person. She isn't the sloppy bitch I had imagined her to be at the party. I see why Maverick liked her. But I secretly hated her for that.
She checks her phone.
"I have to go, but thank you for having me here." She says and stands up. Maverick follows. I stand after them and walk in front of them leading them to the door. I sway my hips a little more than usual, feeling Maverick's eyes on me. When I turn around I was right, he was locked on me like a hungry animal.
"Thanks for coming. I'm always here if you ever need anything, alright?" I say giving her a friendly hug. She's out the door when Maverick decides to hug me. I hold in a surprised gasp when he subtly and quickly whispers in my ear.
"Stay in this, I'll be back." Then he pulls away and smiles walking out like he said nothing. I wave at them walking down the hall then close the door. Leaning my body and head against the closed door I take a deep breath. He wants me to stay in this outfit but why. I mean his girlfriend is like the nicest girl in the world, she's super pretty, and they get along really well. I don't get why he would come back just because I'm wearing gym shorts. Im starting to feel like he only likes my body. The more I think about it the more I'm convinced. At the beach, I was in a bikini, the night after the party I was in basically lingerie and now this. Im not going to cheat on my boyfriend or have him cheat on his girlfriend just because he likes my body. Not going to happen. About 20 minutes later, I hear knocking at the door again. I roll my eyes and answer with a huff. There was Maverick with a grin and two bags full of snacks.
"Hey Cel. I got snackss." He holds them up as his grin widens to a smile. I fight a smile and just take a step back to let him in.
"Okay? Someone's upset all of a sudden." He places the bags down and walks up to me sliding his hands onto my waist pulling me close.
"What's wrong? You didn't like her." He asks leaning down to me referring to Hailey. I scoff and push him away, not hard just enough so he backs up.
"No I like her. I really like her. And you do too. That's the problem, Maverick." I say walking to the kitchen. "I mean you bring her here and she's the sweetest person ever to me. She seems in love with you and I don't know I think you love her too. Then you tell me to stay in these gym shorts so you can come back. Why? What are we doing, Mav?"
He takes a minute and sighs, his hands in his hoodie pocket. He shrugs.
"I know I shouldn't...but Celeste, I really really like you." He says looking at his feet. I look up and can't help but feel happy that he said that. "I can't have you. Obviously. Your Chase's. But I couldn't just be a third wheel forever to my best friend and the girl I want. I needed someone for me. And that's who Hailey is." He walks closer to me. "She treats me really good and I feel like shit because...I can't believe I'm saying this but...I really wished she was you, Celeste." He was confessing his feelings for me and I couldn't handle it. I didn't respond, I didn't know how or if it I should. I could tell he was growing more nervous with every second I was silent.
"Cel?" He says quietly walking closer to me. My feelings for him just over took my body. I really know that I shouldn't but with the amount that I wanted him, I needed to take this opportunity since it might be the last for all I knew. So i closed the gap between up, leaning up and bring his face closer to mine with my hand on his neck and I kissed him. Our lips connected, feeling his warm soft lips on mine felt so fucking good I can't even lie. The butterfly feeling with Chase is nothing compared to this. It has never ever been this strong with Chase. He hums a soft moan through the kiss and deepens it. His hands rub by lower back and eventually my butt softly squeezing. I bring my hips to meet his and can feel his hardness again. It was getting hot so before it got any steamier I pulled away. Breathing heavily as our foreheads touch.
"I need you, Celeste. Really bad." He breaths as I allow his hands to caress my behind. I give him a playful smirk.
"Does Hailey not satisfy you?"
"You don't know how many times I thought of you." That shocked me. We thought of each other as we were having sex with our partners. But I didn't tell him.
"Please don't mention her right now. I need you." He repeats. I kiss him again this time turning it into a make out. Without breaking the kiss he reaches down and lifts me up with my legs around him. He holds me with his hands on my butt as I allow his tongue in my mouth making me let out a moan. For a second he pulls away.
"God that was hot." He takes me to the couch and places me down. I hungrily pull his hoodie up his body until he pulls it completely off. My hands runs along his soft abs and chest. He was in between my legs and starts grinding against me. His hardness presses against my sensitive spot as he keeps his perfect lips on mine. I keep letting out little moans and heavy breaths, he pulls away smiling down at me. He goes for my neck kissing and softly sucking as his hand goes into my sweater and up finding my boobs. I can feel him getting harder as he squeezes and kisses me.
"Oh Mav." I moan softly, he stops kissing and smirks.
"Yeah baby? You moaning for me hm?" Just hearing his call me baby made me moan again. He pulls my sweatshirt over my head showing my bra. His hand goes from my boobs down to the hem of my shorts. I tense up.
"Hey, it's okay. Do you want me to stop?" He looks into my eyes seriously and I shake my head.
"N-no. Please don't." I begged. He slowly slides my shorts down to showing my lace underwear. He takes a second to lean back and take in my almost naked body.
"Celeste...you have the most amazing body." I roll my eyes pulling him back down by his hand.
"I'm serious, Cel. You are so fucking beautiful." He looks into my eyes lovingly and I just didn't want this to ever end. Eventually he's in his underwear and he kisses from my lips to my neck then down to my boobs, down my stomach, each of my hips. When he got there is when I started squirming. Chase never usually does this much foreplay so I was becoming really needy. Not only that but he was so close to where I needed him the most that it was becoming hard to contain myself.
"Mm so sexy when you squirm like that, beautiful." His voice so raspy and hot, my legs involuntarily opened for him and looks up at me with a cheeky smile. His kisses my sensitive spot through my lace underwear. God I have never felt so good in my life and he's barely even done anything. I grab a decorative pillow from the couch and cover my face to muffle the embarrassing moans. He reaches up grabbing it away from me.
"I want to see and hear you." He keeps kissing it then slowly pulls my panties down. He was entranced with my pussy and how pretty it looked. When he pulls the panties off a line of wetness connected me and the fabric. When he saw it he licked his lips, when I saw it I blushed and turned my face away. Without any more wait he dove down licking and sucking me, almost like he was making out with it. My back arched and I moaned running my hands through his wavy black hair. It was a brand new feeling and it felt so good my eyes went to the back of my head. My hips moved against his warm, wet mouth. He hummed sending vibrations through my body.
"Oh god Mav! Fuck..fuckkk Maverickkuhh.." I moaned more and more, quickly the feeling was getting too strong for me to last any longer. Then to my suprise he slides two fingers into me and starts moving them in and out, in and out, in and out. My moans got quiet as I could no longer focus on breathing. The feeling of climax over took my body and mind. And he just didn't stop. I probably came twice back to back.
"Maverick fuck!" I whimpered as my body forced me to move away from him. He stops eating and pulled his fingers away. Whenever Chase and I have sex, when I orgasm, that's the only one I get. Not because I tell him to stop, but because he just thinks one is all I need. But as a woman, sometimes one is not enough. Maverick pulls his underwear down revealing a pretty big surprise. I gasp and turn red in the face. He chuckles.
"Why are you embarrassed now, hm?" He asks as he strokes himself.
"Uhm- just didn't expect that." I couldn't get my eyes off of it. I wasn't sure he was going to fit it in. He wasn't extremely large but he was definitely bigger than Chase and with Chase being the only person I've slept with, I just wasn't sure my body would be able to handle that.
"I'll go slow and gentle don't worry. Okay?" He leans down, kissing my lips softly. As he kisses me he rubs the tip against my entrance, getting it lubed up. I play in his hair during the kiss and grab it in my fists as I feel him slowly slide in. Immediately I gasp and crunch my nose.
"Your so..so big, Mav." I moan softly.
"Ugh fuck...it doesn't hurt does it?" He asks. I shake my head as he keeps going, deeper with every thrust. He groans and curses under his breath.
"Y-you feel so good, Cel. God.. so wet..so tight. Ugh it feels so fucking good.." He kept telling me as i moan more and more.
"Go faster Maverick~" I moan.
"You sure?" He asks. He looked like he was waiting for permission, and when I gave it to him he let completely loose. Fucking me hard which hit the spot so good. All I could do was moan and whimper and scream his name.
"Fuck yeah beautiful come on that dick baby. Mmmhm make me yours Celeste." That was all it took for me to climax again, this time twice as hard. So much so that when I did I saw white for a few seconds. Immediately after he pulled out and stroked him self frantically until he finished on my stomach. When that happened I realized he didn't wear a condom but I didn't mention it. I was just completely overwhelmed with bliss. A wave of euphoria flows over me and I just lay here panting with a smile on my face. He leans down again kissing my lips softly, then my cheeks and jawline making me giggle.
"Maverick." I say in disbelief.
"I know. This stays between us right?" He asks also catching his breath. I nod quickly.
"Good girl." He grins and kisses my lips again. He puts his pants back on and goes into the kitchen. He comes back with a damp paper towel and wipes my stomach clean. I throw on my sweatshirt and underwear back on. He sits on the couch and pats his lap for me. I sit on his lap still so blissfully happy.
"So," He says drawing lines and shapes on my leg,"it's big is it?"
I giggle and nod.
"Yes it's is. At least for me. Or compared to Chase." I blush placing my head on his chest. I hear him let out a short chuckled the wrap his arms around me.
"You uh, you finished pretty fast when I was eating it." He mentioned. I turned beet red and hurried my face in my hands.
"Does Chase not eat you out, hon?" He asks stroking my hair as he looks down. I shake my head no.
"Never has. I've asked a bunch but he just doesn't think he'll enjoy it. But in return I don't give him head." As I say this he looks shocked.
"No way I'm the first guy to enjoy that sweet p-" I cover his mouth and shush him.
"Stoppp your embarrassing mee!" I hide my face again. He removes my hand.
"That's too bad for him, I bet your head is so fucking good!" He exclaims playfully and we laugh and giggle.
My phone ringing interrupts us and I get up to grab it.
"Shit it's Chase." I tell him. He nods and gets up getting dressed and collecting his things. I answer the phone.
"Hey babe, what's up?"
"Hi baby, are you down to have lunch with me today? I'll buy you something to eat. I don't feel like eating in the break room and I miss you." He asks. I eyeball the snacks Maverick had brought.
"Awe hun sure, I'll be ready in 10 minutes for you to pick me up. Okay, love you bye." I hung up.
"Im gonna get going. Come here." Maverick holds his arms out for me. I go and give him a big hug. He sways me from side to side gently, kissing the top of my head.
"Shower. Get my smell off if you okay?" He says as he taps my butt. I nod with a smile.
"Okay beautiful," This new nickname he has for me really has me melting for him, "I'll see you again soon, don't let Chase down there okay? That's mine now." I furrow my eyebrows.
"Well don't let Hailey on your dick. I came on it remember? Mine now." I say back to him and he lets if a deep breath. He bites his lip at that and smirks as he remembers.
"Okay, deal. I'll make you do it again soon, bye baby." He kisses my lips then goes to the door and grins at me before leaving.
God this man.

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