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I'm not going to lie. I really wanted Maverick. Chase makes me happy but Maverick makes me feel this feeling that is so hard to fight.
"Celeste!" I hear a girls voice call me and look through the crowd and see Hailey stumbling to me. I try to fight my emotions and fake a smile at her.
"Celeste, hey. You're- you're Chase's girlfriend right? Maverick told me." I look at him but he's so out of it he can't even tell what happening right now. "Ssorry about *hiccup* about outside. He got pretty mad at me." She laughs and leans on me but I move out the way and she lands on Chase who was directly behind me. He just goofily smiles at her. I roll my eyes and look towards where she came from hoping to see Maverick but he was no where to be seen.
"Yeah I'm his girlfriend. How do you know Chase?" I ask her.
"We were- friends in high school. Good friends. But you stole him haha." She laughs again and I give her a weird look. I think they may have had something going on in school, but I barely even knew Chase and Maverick then. I really didn't care that much though if I'm being honest. I grab her away from him.
"Oh okay. Well he's pretty wasted and im ready to go home. Where's Maverick?" I ask her. She says she'll grab him and I let her know that we will be in the car.
I put Chase in the backseat since he definitely can't drive and look back to see Hailey and Maverick walking up.
"She needs a ride home. Im driving?" He says. I nod and get in the back with Chase as them two get in the driver and passenger seats. I sit silently with my arms folded and looking out the window. Maverick keeps glancing at me every few minutes through the side mirror but I don't look back. Im not particularly mad or anything. Just annoyed. I didn't want Hailey here and I didn't like seeing her all over him. Not to mention he was all over her too. I guess this is how he felt watching Chase and I make out. I look over and Chase is basically passed out, his head lying on the car door. I scoot over and lay down, my head on his lap. The bumps in the road soothed me to sleep.
"Cel. Celeste. Wake up come sit in the the front with me." I heard. I groggily sit up seeing Maverick standing with the car door opened for me. I look and see Hailey no where around, must have dropped her off. I grab his hand and he helps me out. I stumble and he grabs me by my waist to help me up. He walks me over to the passenger seat and lifts me up to place me in. God I wanted him to lift me like that and f-
"You okay?" He grins at me. I realize that I've been looking at him with my lip between my teeth deep in thought. I clear my throat and snap out of it, looking straight ahead and folding my arms. He shakes his head and closes the door getting into the drivers side.
"What's up with you?" He asks driving. I don't reply.
"Still upset about the guy?"
I shake my head.
"No. About a girl." I look away. He sighs and nods.
"Yeah. Uh look I'm sorry about her. The way she acted outside in front of you was uncalled for. And I told her that wasn't cool." He places his hand on my thigh and rubs his thumb along it. I felt a strange sensation in my stomach then the feeling traveled lower. I softly gasp and look at him. l know that I should move his hand away but I don't. He keeps with his movements and keeps his eyes on the road. My breathing gets a little heavy and he squeezes my thigh.
"M-Mav.." I breath out. He raises his eyebrow.
"Uhm uh c-can you.. um." I stammer nervously. He moves his hand slowly further up my thigh but stops at a certain point making me just melt.
"Cel? You okay? You're breathing pretty hard." As he says that I can hear the smirk on his face and his finger tips tap on my thigh.
"Yeah I'm okay.. uh I d-don't think you should..have y-your hand.." I manage to get out. He glanced at me and nods, moving his hand and putting it back on the steering wheel. Inside I really really wanted it but I shouldn't. I know I did the right thing.
We got to Chase and I's apartment. He helped Chase out with him over his shoulder as Chase could barely walk. I scoff at Chase, he knows I hate it when he gets that drunk. I unlock the door and Maverick drops him onto our bed. We hear him lightly snoring, making Maverick chuckle.
"Okay, I'll go sleep on the couch." He says. The car was Chases so he can't just drive it to his place. I nod as he walks out the room. I hurry and change my clothes as soon as he's gone. I change into what was borderline lingerie. A powder blue silk set with white lace detailing along the edges. Short shorts that showed the bottom of my cheeks and the top was a loose cropped tank top. I threw my hair into a bun and washed off my makeup, brushed my teeth and stood at the door and took a deep breath. Maverick had never seen me in anything like this before. He had no reason to. So when I walked out there and into the kitchen, directly across from the living room where he was laying. The look on his face when he saw me sent shock waves through my body.
"Just getting some water. You want some?" I ask.
"Nah I'm okay.." His voice trailed off like his thoughts took over his brain as he stared at me. I turned around and bent over a little to grab the brita from the fridge, giving him a nice view. Innocently I turned around quickly and opened the cabinet. Usually Chase would help me get the glasses from the top shelf but he wasn't here, so I reached up and kept reaching. My body extended making the top and shorts ride up.
"I got that for you." Before I could turn around to respond he was on his way over to me.
"Thanks." I smile but don't move out of the way. He had to stand really close behind me to grab the glass. I smirk and look up at him. His body felt warm so I moved back closer, just then I gasped feeling a hard something against my bottom. He blushed really hard and handed me the glass turning around and rubbing the back of his neck.
"I'm so sorry. God I'm fucking sorry." He says not even facing me. I place the glass on the counter and go to him, touching his shoulder.
"Mav it's okay-"
"You're my best friends girlfriend. Don't tell Chase that happened please. Don't tell Hailey." He steps closer to me.
"Hailey? Who is she your girlfriend?" I fold my arms.  He sighs and nods looking down. I felt a ton of guilt in my chest for putting on this outfit and tempting him like this.
"Mav. It's okay. I won't tell anyone, I promise." I pull him in for a hug. On my tip toes I reach up around his neck and he hugs me back tightly around my waist. He takes a big deep relieving breath and his arms tighten before he starts rubbing my back slowly then my hips.
"God Cel..." He sighs. "You make it so hard." He was bent over slightly to meet my height, but he stands up straight pulling me up off the ground.
"Wrap your legs around me, Cel." He whispers in my ear.
"Mav?" I say confused quietly.
"Shh.. come on." He encourages me. I bring my legs up and around him. He supports my weight with his hands on my butt. I gasp feeling that.
"Maverick, what's going on with you?" I ask, my voice quiet and slightly shaky.
"What do you mean we're just hugging, Cel." He knew what he was doing.
"But what about Hailey? Chase?" I say.
"You said you wouldn't tell. Will you?" He asks. I shake my head no as I look into his eyes. He grins and looks back and forth from my eyes to my lips. Our faces were so close I could feel his breath on my lips.
"Maverick." I breathe out, my eyes stuck on his grey ones.
"Celeste?" He asks.
"Kiss me?" I say so quietly he could barely hear. He smiles pretty wide and leans in even closer. Our noses touching.
"Huh? Speak up." Just when I was going to repeat myself, we hear a light flick on and see Chase standing there with his face in his hand as he leaned weakly on the wall.
"Shit." Maverick and I say at the same time and he lets go of me as I jump down. We stand awkwardly far away from each other.
"Baby?" Chase asks all groggy and tired. He looks up us standing there.
"Mav? Oh I forgot you're gonna have to sleep here tonight, ha. Baby can you get me a glass of water please? And come to bed?" Maverick and I look at each other with a scared but confused look.
"Uh yeah babe I will. Go back in the room I'll be there in a second to help you change your clothes, okay?" I say. He nods and turns around. He didn't notice anything. But the tension between Maverick and I could be sliced with a knife. We stood there for a minute, debating if we should continue or not. I look up at him shyly but he doesn't look back, instead he just shamefully walks back to the living room. He sits on the couch with his hands locked behind his neck as he hangs his head low. I want to comfort him but I have to take care of Chase. So that's what I did.

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