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We got to Maverick's place. I've only ever been in here a handful of times. It looks the same as it always did. A dark grey couch sitting in front of a large flatscreen tv which was mounted to the wall, a light brown coffee table with a candle in the center and two video game controllers on one side. It was usually clean and organized to my surprise. Not that he was a dirty person or anything, he's just a guy who lives alone so you wouldn't expect his place to be this clean. He sits me on the couch.
"Here let me grab you some water." He says as he walks to the kitchen which was to the left of the living room and comes back with a water bottle. I thank him and take a few sips before setting it down on the coffee table.
"How're you feeling?" He asks gently sitting beside me and rubs my cheek softly with his thumb.
"I'm fine, when I went to talk to him, he had girls near him rubbing on him and...it just surprised me. You think...that he was cheating on me aswell?" I ask timidly, afraid of seeming stupid or like a hypocrite. Maverick sighs.
"I don't know, Cel. But you can't be mad at him for that. You know that right?" He says, softly. I nods and look down in my lap. He scoots closer and coos as he brings me into a big hug. Without breaking the hug I crawl up into his lap and straddle his waist with my legs. He leans back into the couch and rubs my back.
"I'm here now, pretty girl. I'll never leave you." He whispers to me. I couldn't help but feel my heart flutter and my insides feel all warm and fuzzy. I lift my head and smile at him through red and tired eyes. He smiles back and rubs my head and hair.
"You promise?" I ask.
"I promise." He replies.
I lean into him and kiss his soft, warm lips. Instantly the warmness I felt grew warmer until there was fire burning with desire for him. The kiss turned into a full make-out session, his hands slid to my waist and gripped my hips. He groans into my mouth.
"You're so... so beautiful, Celeste." As he groans out he stands up, picking me up with him and carries me to his bead room. I've never seen his room before, I've never had any reason to be in here before. It was pretty clean same as the rest of the apartment, he had a guitar on the corner leaning against a desk that had books stacked and his laptop on. The desk was paired with a black computer chair. He had a dresser under a pretty decent sized TV. His bed was a under his windows, making the moonlight light the room up perfectly.
He lays me on the bed and smiles at me.
"I see you looking around. You like it?" He asks. I look up at him as he hovers over me and nod.
"Yeah. It looks nice." I smile softly and lay my hand on his cheek, gently bringing him in and kissing him softly. The soft kissing transforms to more passionate kissing. With his legs still on the ground, he slides his hands down to my pants and slowly pulls them down, teasing me. I lightly squirm and buck my hips wanting them off faster.
"Shh not so fast, Cel. Let me take my time with you." He says rubbing my hipbones gently and looking into my eyes. He then fully pulls my pants down, I could tell he was enjoying taking his time but I could also see he was holding back just ripping the rest of my clothes off. I breathe deeply and feel goosebumps rise on my skin. He smirks and kisses both my hipbones, my stomach, and more up my body. My breath got shaky with anticipation as he lifts my shirt up and got right under my bra.
"Hmm Mav..." I breath out in a light moan. He really was taking his time and I'm not sure if I can take much more. He finally got my shirt off and reaches around me to unbuckle my bra, while doing so he kissed my lips, cheeks, chin, jaw, neck, collarbone, shoulders, and then as the bra was off and went to my boobs. My breath hitched feeling his mouth on my nipple. 
"Woah.." I said sitting up slightly. He lightly pushes me back down and starts licking them softly. I softly moan as the sensation sent waves down my body.
"Maverick..." I breathed out. He didn't look up.
"B-baby..." He looks up, stopping his motions on my boobs. "Please, just do it." I begged. He smirked and stood up. He moved up to the pillows on his bed and undid his pants. He spreads my legs and kisses my lips softly, almost with love. It made me feel so good inside. He kisses my neck the same way, meanwhile he's rubbing me over my underwear making me squirm slightly and lifts my hips to meet his hand. I could feel the smirk on his lips as he kisses me. I felt his finger hook at the top of my panties and pull them off.
"Look at me, Cel." He says. I look away from his actions and into his eyes. I can't see but feel some kind of movement. Suddenly I felt his member touch my entrance making me gasp. He shushes me softly.
"Shh Cel, I'll be gentle for you, pretty girl." He rubs the tip around a little, feeling how ready I was for him. As he moved it around we both could hear the wet sounds coming from between us. He bites his lip and slowly starts to push in.
"This is gonna make you feel better, baby. Mm it's gonna feel so good I promise." He continues to talk to me in a low sweet voice. For some reason this really got to me and I started to squirm a bit. Accidentally, this made him slip in deeper. We both gasp and moan in unison. I grip his bicep and I feel them flex. I turn by head slightly.
"No no no, look at me. Look at me or I stop. Don't look away." He demands. I nod.
"S-sorry. It just feels...s-so good.." I moan while speaking to him. He starts gently thrusting immediately making me feel really good just like he promised.
"I know, I know but keep your eyes on me." He cooed at me in the sexiest voice. My hands go behind his neck and I pull him down connecting our lips. As he kept thrusting slowly, we begin to make out deeply with lots of tongue which turned him on even more, he starts to speed up his rhythm with harder thrusts. I immediately moan out breaking the kiss. It felt so good my eyes rolled back and I moaned instead of biting my lip to quiet myself. He groans and moans as he looks into my eyes never looking away. The intimacy was almost too much to take, I dig my nails into the back of his neck and scratch to the sides. This made him moan harder and start thrusting harder.
"Oh g-god! Mav~" I moan out, goosebumps rising from my skin as my whole body felt warm and the familiar burn in my stomach starts to grow.
"Mhm~ You gonna cum already? We've barley started, you just love my dick that much don't you?" He talks me through my orgasm with out even realizing it. I start to hit my climax as he starts talking and try not to moan too much as I listen to him talk. The noises start to become gushier and louder in between us. He fucks me harder and harder, I borderline scream like a pornstar. He pulls out and pulls me to the edge of the bed and stands on the ground. He starts going in with no remorse like how when we started. For some reason this position really did something as I felt myself cumming within a few seconds.
"Fuckk~~" I hear him curse and leans down, wrapping his big hand around my neck and kisses my lips deeply, we moan into each others mouth and he pulls out. I immediately feel hot liquid spurt onto my thighs and stomach. We pull away and look at each other with half closed eyes and heaving breathing.

I cuddled up in his bed as he walks back into his room with a glass of cold water for me. He was in his boxers and he had handed me one of his t-shirts. I thank him and sip from the glass. He kisses my forehead and he lays back on his bed next to me. I smile at him and lay my head on his chest. He turns on his TV that was mounted on the wall directly across from the bed.
"Just something to have on. We don't have to watch anything. Just relax, okay." He says as he puts on a random show. I look up at him and give a soft smile. He sweetly kisses my lips after returning the smile. His hand was on my back and rubbing it slowly. Before I knew it I was back on his chest and fast asleep.
I shoot up from my sleep confused and startled. I check my phone to see it was 3 am and I had several missed calls and texts from Chase. Maverick was already up and was in his closet. He pulled on some plaid pajama pants then pulls out a baseball bat. The banging continues and I get up from the bed.
"Mav?" I say, my voice obviously shows I'm scared.
"It's okay. Stay here." He gestures me back into room as I try to leave with him. I was shaky so I sat back down on the bed, then I decided against it and got up following behind him. He didn't realize I was there until we went down his stairs.
"Cel." He starts.
"I want to make sure you're okay." I tell him.
"Fine just stay back."
A voice from the other side of his door shouts.
Maverick opens the door with the baseball bat over his shoulder ready to be used. I stand back then my heart drops. It was Chase. I see Maverick lower his bat. Chase pushes his way in but stumbles and almost falls, he's drunk.
"Chase? Yo are you good? Don't tell me you drive here, dude." Maverick tried to help him up but Chase pushes him away really hard. I didn't know whether to get involved or to hide. Maverick looks at me and motions his head. So I stepped behind a wall.
"Don't FUCKING touch me! Where's Celeste? Huh, where the fuck is she you mother fucker!" Chase shouts at him and stands back up getting in Mavericks face.
"Chase back up!" Maverick shoves Chase away but not hard enough to really hurt him. Chase stumbles and struggled to get up on his feet.
"I don't know where Celeste is. Go home you're drunk." Maverick tells Chase. Chase looks around, I hide fully behind the wall and pray that he didn't see me.
"I know she's here. S- *hiccup* Somewhere. I know she is. I know what's b-been going on you piece of shit!" Chase shouts. Maverick doesn't back down.
"I don't know what you're talking about! Get out of my place you're too drunk bro." He tells Chase. Maverick really tried to get Chase to leave and to make him think that he was crazy.
"You think I'm stupid? *hiccup* You left the party right when she broke up with me then you two drove off together. I watched her cry from Tyler's window in your arms." Chase's voice cracked. Suddenly he sounded sober. I saw the panic in Mavericks eyes as he hears that Chase was watching. Chase continued.
"I went home, she's not there! So where else's could she be?! She's been cheating on me with you this whole time hasn't she?" He asks. Maverick doesn't say anything. Chase waits for an answer but the silence and the guilty look on Mav's face was all the answer Chase needed.
"That slut!" He shouts,
"Don't call her that!" Maverick yells. He stepped up to Chases face this time. Mavericks chest was rising and falling quickly from his breathing, his face was flushed red from anger.
"That's what she is! A dirty whore! She's had sex with me and you at the same time how could you protect her?!" Chase asks. Maverick scrunches his hands into fists by his sides.
"Get out. Get the fuck out! Before I beat the shit out of you!" Maverick screams now, in Chases face angry as I've ever seen him. Chase screams back and I get so shaky I could barely manage to stand. The arguing got too intense. Maverick grabs Chase by his shirt and throws him against the wall. Chase falls to the floor and groans in pain.
"Oh god, Chase!" I couldn't help myself and ran out. I went to Chase and touched him making sure he was okay. He couldn't look up at me as he was still out of it. I looked at Maverick with tearful eyes and could barley recognize him. His eyes were dark and focused on Chase as if trying to detect any more threatening behavior. His hands were still in fists. I stood up and touched his arms gently.
"Hey, hey look at me. It's okay please calm down." I spoke softly but my voice still shook.
"You...you piece of shit!" Behind me Chase was weakly getting himself up.
"You." He says again as I turn around.
"I...hate you. Celeste, I hate you! How c-could you?" He shouts and his voice cracks. My heart immediately sunk and I began to cry. Tears were rolling down my cheeks.
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry Chase!" I begged for his forgiveness but as I cried, Maverick was behind me. I was on his side and Chase saw that. His tears began to flow down as he looked at me one last time before stumbling out of Mavericks place looking defeated.
"Chase!" I shouted going for the door but Maverick pulled me back.
"Celeste! Let him go, he's drunk you can talk to him when he's sober. It's okay come here." He pulled me in as I cried again for the second time tonight in his chest.

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