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Maverick and I haven't seen each other in a couple weeks since that happened. Chase and I are always busy or just spending time together and so is Hailey and Maverick. We don't want to seem suspicious by always making excuses to see each other so we just don't. We haven't communicated at all since then. We don't text or call because we don't want to have any evidence on our phones. Chase and Mav have hung out a few times talk regularly. So there is nothing really that seems suspicious, except one thing. Whenever Chase would try to initiate sexy time, I would have an excuse. Like I'm tired or my head hurts or I'm just not in the mood. Even though I really, really am in the mood. I just didn't want him, I wanted Maverick. But it was taking a toll on Chase, he was way more horny than usual. Constantly rubbing my body and kissing me all over. I play it off like I like it but stop it whenever it gets too far.
"Baby, come here. The new Marvel movie is out so you wanna go see it tonight?" He hollers from the kitchen. I'm in our bedroom just down the hall on our bed just scrolling through my phone. I get up when I hear him walking to the kitchen.
"Yeah babe sure. What time?" I say leaning my elbows on the counter.
"I think eight. I'm gonna ask Mav and his girlfriend to come with." He says as he's on his phone, probably texting Maverick to let him know. I feel excited inside hearing him mention Maverick. Hopefully he's available to come with us. I check the clock, it reads 6:30 pm.
"You better start getting ready since you take foreverrr getting ready." He teases me with a playful smile. I stick my tongue out at him and turn around going to the bedroom, I pick out a simple but cute outfit and go to shower. I undress and tie my hair up since it is freshly washed from yesterday. As I let the water rain on my hand to feel the temperature, I hear the door opening. I cover my boobs with my arm and turn around. Chase is leaning on the door frame, eyeing my body with a smirk.
"Can I help you?" I smirk back at him. He doesn't say anything, he walks up to me and kisses my neck very slowly and sensually. I close my eyes, imagining Maverick. I run my fingers through Chases hair, even though it's shorter and straighter than Mav's, I still imaging the black and wavy hair that he has. Chase's hands slide down from my back to my ass and cups it, playing with it as he starting sucking my neck leaving hickies for sure.
"M-" I catch my self and tense up slightly, "Chase..I need to s..shower.." I manage to get out. He looks at me with a smirk.
"It's still early baby, come on we haven't done anything in so long." He keeps kissing and rubbing and touching me almost everywhere.
"Babe, please. I'm really...not in the mood." I hold back my heavy breathing and moans as he starts kissing my most sensitive spot on my neck. Maverick hasn't found that yet.
"Mm yes you are. What's up hun? Are you secretly going celibate or something?" He softly laughs. I shake my head with a nervous giggle. He stand back and sighs heavily, looking in my eyes for a change of mind. When I don't change my mind he throws his hands up defeated.
"Fine, I'll leave you alone. Don't shower for too long." He says as he closes the door behind him. I sigh knowing that I'm creating a wedge between us. I step into the shower and let the hot water trickle down my back, almost as a gentle massage. I touch the spots where Chase kissed and close my eyes softly, picturing Mavericks face leaning his tall frame down into my neck. With my eyes still closed my fingers trial down to the nape of my neck then to my shoulder. The more I pictured Maverick doing things to me the more I needed him.
When I finished showering a half hour later, I take a second look at my outfit to confirm that I like it. I brush down my hair and start applying very light makeup. I brush through my eyebrows and apply mascara, light coverage foundation, some blush and strawberry scented lip gloss.
"You look very pretty sweetheart." I hear behind me. Chase sits on the bed next to my vanity and smiles as he admires me. I blush and thank him. Though this wasn't for him. He kisses my lips and licks his own after.
"Mmm strawberry?" He asks.
"Good huh?" I grin standing up in my robe with nothing but panties under. He bites his lip looking a my cleavage exposed. I pretend to not notice and just continue getting ready, applying perfume and body lotion. I then put on my outfit. When I check the time it read 7:30 pm.
In the car, Chase has his hand on my thigh and the other in the wheel. Like Maverick did the night of the party, but when he did it made me feel good. My body responded so well to Maverick, and here Chase is doing the same thing and I barely feel a thing. I look up at him as he hums to the random song on the radio. I giggle, I've never even heard of this song but he somehow new the tune perfectly. He glances over with a happy smile and I return it.
"Are we picking them up or are they meeting us at the theater?" I ask him.
"They're meeting us there." He says. He makes a turn and the large AMC sign comes into view. When we park we see Maverick and Hailey sitting in their car, so we got out and so do they.
"Yo guys," Chase greets them. He daps up Maverick and gives Hailey a friendly greeting nod, "How are you Hails." I furrow my brows for just a second hearing him give her the nickname. Mavericks eyes meet mine and he grins.
"Celeste, what's up." He gives me a side hug, his hand rested on my hip. He quickly moves it up to my waist then pulls away from the hug. He nervously laughs and goes to stand by Hailey. I don't think anyone noticed but me. We walk in hand in hand with each others partner and go to the concession stand to buy our tickets, popcorn, and snacks. We all walk into our movie and find some pretty good seats. Not too close and not too far back either. Our seating order goes from left to right; Maverick, Hailey, Chase, then me. I really didn't care that Chase was close to Hailey because I didn't want to sit next to her anyway. I just didn't want to see or hear Mav and Hailey kissing or anything like that.
"All these ads. We came too early." I heard Maverick complain as he crunched on his popcorn. I lean over slightly to look at him, he has the popcorn container in his lap on his crotch as he's slouched down wit his legs spread. He looks over at me and grins. I grin back and sit back in my seat.
"Man I'm not waiting, I'm gonna go play in the arcade they got in the back. Hailey you coming?" Maverick asks her standing up and placing the popcorn next to her on the ground.
"No I'm okay, babe. I'll chill right here." She says sipping her soda and scrolling through her phone. Chase shakes his head no with a chuckle.
"Dude we're too old for arcades." He tells Maverick.
"Whaaat? Bro arcades are so fun." He looks over at me and raises an eyebrow.
"Cel?" He says. I smile then look at Chase who was watching me. I slouch a little bit and shake my head no.
"Okay fine. Text me when the movie starts." He shrugs and walks off.
I sit there and watch the boring ads. About five minutes go by and they are still going. I roll my eyes and huff.
"You okay?" Chase asks.
"Yeah just bored. I want the movie to start." I place my elbow on the arm of the chair and rest my head in my hand.
"Awe baby. Well you can go and play with Mav. I'll text y'all whenever it starts." He tells me. I hide a happy smile and nod, standing up and scooting past him and Hailey to get to the stairs.
I get out of the screen room and walk over to the arcade room. I don't see him anywhere and start walking around looking for him. There were a few people in there, just a couple of young teenagers and a middle aged man with his kids. All of a sudden I feel a pair of arms around my waist and I jump with a loud gasp. I turn around quickly and see Maverick laughing. Some of the people were looking at me making me blush. I punch his arm.
"Mav! Don't do that what the hell." I frown as I hate being scared. His laughs die down and he looks over his shoulder, I'm guessing to see if Chase or Hailey was behind me.
"I'm sorry, beautiful. Didn't meant to scare you." I smile and scrunch my nose. I loved when he calls me that. His hands start rubbing the sides of my hips and I can feel the heat building in my body.
"Are we gonna play games?" I ask him. He shakes his head.
"Follow me." He takes my hand and we go towards the bathrooms. He opens the family bathroom door and locks it behind us. He immediately pulls me into a really deep and heated kiss. I instantly moan at the kiss. I can feel his grin as making me moan with just a kiss. His hands are free to explore my body, they roam from my boobs to my ass and anywhere in between.
"Mav, I needed this so bad." I moan as he picks me up and sits me on the sink. He's positioned in between my legs as he kissed my neck. I place my hand on the back of his head and guide him over to the sensitive area of my neck. It makes me moan more then he puts his hand over my mouth.
"Shh Cel. Quiet baby. Wouldn't want anyone to hear us would we?" He says against my neck. The warmth of his breath and lips sends shivers down my spine.
"God...Mav.." I breath. He moves my hair out of the way and looks at me.
"Looks like someone was already here. You let Chase touch what's mine?" He says with serious eyes. I realize that Chase left hickies on my neck.
"No, I mean yeah but.. nothing happened." I say. He raises a brow doubtfully.
"I promise." I tell him with pretty serious eyes back. He looks away and bites his lip, seemingly nervously.
"What? Have you...done anything?" I ask him. He doesn't answer. My heart sunk into my stomach and I got down from the sink.
"Celeste, please she's my girlfriend." He tries to explain himself but I was so pissed off I just wanted to leave.
"And he's my boyfriend!" I said angrily. I go to open the door but he grabs my arm.
"Cel, come on. I mean have you really not done nothing with Chase? Nothing at all?" He asks. I move his hand away.
"No! Nothing! For you because you told me not to! And God knows I really wanted to." I say in his face in a mean tone.
"I didn't think- I swear I didn't think you'd actually do it. But I swear on everything, the only thing that can get me off now is thinking about you naked under me." He tries to pull me closer by my waist but I stand strong.
"You can't just fuck me then go home and fuck her! You can't! And Then get all up tight when I let my boyfriend give me some hickies. So if that's what you want to do you then we have to stop this." The look on his face was guilt then turned serious, almost angry.
"We're not stopping this. We can't. I can't. I need you." His voice raspy all of a sudden and deeper than before. I smirk evilly.
"Maverick, I am going to go home after this movie and fuck the shit out of Chase." I say looking into his eyes as I do. He tenses up and cracks his knuckles as they ball into a fist, his jaw clenched and his eyes darkened. I could tell what I said really got to him.
"No. You're not." He says with a low voice.
"I can. And I am." I say through my teeth.
I stomped out of the bathroom and back up to the movies. The movie hadn't started yet but I didn't care. I sat there shaking my leg and stuck in my thoughts. I was so angry at him for fucking me so good then going home and fucking Hailey. At the same time I hated myself. That's his girlfriend you dumb bitch. Of course he's gonna fuck her. I curse at myself for not doing anything with Chase as I bite away at my thumb. A minute later Maverick comes back, still obviously upset. I overhear Hailey ask if he's alright.
"You okay babe?"
"Yeah. I'm okay. Just lost a bunch of games."
"Awe come here," she kisses him, "baby? Your mouth taste like strawberries. What did you eat?"
Hearing that made me tense up and Chase looked over at them.
"I had strawberry candy, babe. Remember?" He said smoothly. I don't know if he did, and Hailey was trying to remember if he did. But his lie was so smooth she just kind of shrugged it off. Chase sat back in his seat.
After the movie, we all got up and went outside and talked for a few minutes. I didn't speak a word to Maverick during this.
"Alright guys, it's getting late and I got work tomorrow. I'll text you, bro." Chase said as he fist bumps Maverick and swings his arm over my shoulders. I lean up and kiss Chase's cheek with a smirk. Maverick breathed out of his nose and said bye to Chase. He then walked with Hailey following behind to his car. Chase and I got in the car which was parked semi close to Mavericks, and with our windows not being very tinted I decided to show him a little something before they could drive off. I pulled Chases face to mine, deeply making out with him as our tongues swirled around each other. When I pulled away, Maverick was obviously staring but looked away as soon as he's gaze met mine. I was able to see that his eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes were squinted. He drove away.
"What was that?" Chase asked, heavily breathing and looking at me.
"I want you. Let's get home." I tell him, with seduction in my voice.
When we get home, I push him against the front door and kiss him instantly sliding my tongue into his mouth. He groans and grips my hips tightly, he moves to pick me up and carries me to the bed. I don't break the kiss until he throws me down onto our bed. All I could think about was Maverick fucking Hailey, and how he enjoyed her body. It made me go into a rage. I got up and pushed Chase onto the bed, ripping open his white button up shirt.
"Celeste?" He says with surprise, as he looks up at me he sees my face flushed pink and my eyes filled with anger. I unbuckle his belt and pull down his pants. Immediately after, I throw my top and pants off, getting completely naked. I climb on him, straddling him, and kiss his neck as I reach down grabbing his penis out of his boxer.
"Woah- baby-" He tried to say something but I slide down onto his member, making him cut off his sentence and throw his head back. I don't take any time to relax before I start riding him, pretty hard and fast. I didn't get tired as the adrenaline throughout my body fueled me. He places his hands on my hips as if trying to slow me down but I grab his wrists and pin them over his head. I moan as I keep riding up and down on him. The shit is, it just isn't as good as Maverick's felt. I start going harder trying to feel what I felt with Mav, but it never happened.
"Ughh baby slow down I'm g...gonna come too quick..ugh baby slow down..." He moans and groans I look down into his eyes, feeling him twitch inside me. I smile and bite my lip as I keep going and never slowing down. He digs his nails into my hands, making me grip his wrists tighter.
"Come for me." I whisper against his lips. His eyes instantly roll back and I could tell he was coming so I let go of his wrists and slide off, he reaches down with loud groans as finishes himself off. It got everywhere. I mean it was more than I'd ever seen come out of him.
"Woah.." I giggle as I stand up and look at it. He lays there on the bed panting heavily, "that's a lot." He looks at me.
"What..do you expect? We haven't done anything in weeks." He falls back down. I walk into the bathroom and just rinse my body off in the shower. As I'm almost done I see Chase open up the curtains and get in with me. I smile at him.
"What was that about? That was so intense." He says getting under the water. I just shrug and smile to myself.
"I don't know. I guess I just really wanted it tonight." I step out the shower and dry off, brushing my teeth and getting into bed.

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