* Good Job ♱ Gustav

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Warnings: BJ, Mommy kink, Cursing
words: 788
✮ You 'congratulate' Gustav on how good he did after a show. ✮ 2008 !! ❦

You were standing backstage of your boyfriend and his bands concert, watching and occasionally singing along. You couldn't take your eyes off Gustav though. He always looked so pretty playing the drums, his hands quickly moving to hit every beat, his head moving occasionally, and the small amount of sweat dripping off of his forehead.

The crowd cheered as the band had just finished the outro of their last song of the show. You smiled as you watched, waiting for Gustav to come talk to you about how amazing it was.

As Gustav walked backstage, you run to him and give him a hug. " You did so good baby." You excitedly spoke, before giving him a kiss. "You looked good too." You said again with a small smirk plastered on your face, then kissing him again.

You obviously weren't lying, he did do a great job, and he most definitely looked so handsome doing it.

You took his hand, rushing back to his dressing room after congratulating the rest of the band.

As you enter the room, you hurriedly close and lock the door. You wakes back up to Gustav, kissing his lips, then trialing down to his jawline, continuing to his neck.

He softly whimepered as you continued to lay small, wet kisses down his neck. You carefully led him to the small couch on the side of the room.

Once he sat down, you slowly dropped down to your knees infront of him. Gustav always loved the sight of you on your knees in front of him, the sight alone could make him so horny. ((silly goose))

"Mm Y/N, please." Gustav whimpered, unsure what he was even really begging for. You calmly hushed him while undoing his jeans, pulling them down to his ankles.

"You're so handsome, and you sounded so good playing on stage" You softly said, palming him through his boxers.

All he could get out was a loud whine. "Be quiet for me, you don't want your friends knowing what your doing, do you?" You whispered to him. But part of you WANTED to be caught, the thought was always so exciting.

"Please just touch me." Gustav said again. And with that, you pulled his boxers down slightly as his cock sprung out. ((ew..?))
You quickly start pumping your hand up and down as gustav let out a loud groan.

You quickly take his cock in your mouth, licking the tip. "Oh my god!" the words left your boyfriends mouth as he whimpered loudly once again.

"I said to be quiet, or i'll stop." You said, removing your mouth from him. "No! Please, i'll be quiet, i'll be so good! Please!" He whined, trying to be quiet.

"Such a good boy." You replied, then moving your mouth around his length once again, taking as much in as you could.

All you could hear were moans and whimpers, muffled due to Gustav covering his mouth with his hand, trying to be quiet so you wouldn't stop like you had promised.

You took your mouth off from around him, causing him to whimper loudly. "Mm why'd you stop? Please continue, I  need you so bad! Please mommy." He said while trying to catch his breath.

With that, you took him back in your mouth, taking in all his length. Gustav grabbed your hair gently, trying to shove himself further in your mouth, making you gag slightly.

He threw his head back onto the couch, as he countinued to whine and groan.

You took your mouth back off his cock, making him groan at the loss of warmth. You quickly start to stroke your hand up and down his lengths. "You look so handsome." You said barely above a whisper.

" 'm gonna cum! Please let me cum mama, please!" Gustav whined, jerking his hips up into your hand.

"Go ahead pretty boy, go ahead." You replied, taking him back into your mouth. After those words, he came in your mouth with a loud whine, his warm cum shooting down into your through. You swallow all of it, releasing your mouth from his cock with a pop and string of spit running down your chin.

"Such a good job." You spoke again, as you stood up, Gustav doing the same shortly after, pulling up his pants and boxers.

The both of you jumped at the sound of a loud banging on the door. "Stop fucking and let's go! We got a party to go to!" You recognized the voice to be Bills.

You and Gustav both chuckled before walking towards the door. "Cockblocker" You joked, rolling your eyes, which made Gustav laugh more. His laugh was definitely your second favorite thing that frequently left his mouth..


FIRST SMUT ?! Anyways it was literally BARKING while writing this 😇. Hope y'all enjoy pookies 😋. Probably won't update again tonight but i will tomorrow !! BYE 🫶🏻.

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