Enemies to Lovers ♱ Tom

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Warnings: none !
words: 329
✮ You and Tom always hated eachother, or so you thought? ✮ 2006 !! ❦

It was a Friday night, and I was planning on spending it at home, curled up with a good book. But then I got a call from Bill, inviting me over to his house to watch a movie with him. I decided to take him up on his offer, and I headed over to his place.

When I got there, I was surprised to see Tom sitting on the couch. We had a bit of a history together - we'd always been jokingly mean to each other, but I'd always felt like there was something more between us. We exchanged a few awkward pleasantries, and then Bill put on the movie.

As the movie played, Tom and I sat next to each other on the couch. I could feel the tension between us, and I wondered if he was feeling it too. Bill went to the kitchen to grab a few drinks, and once Bill was out of sight, Tom leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"I know we joke around a lot, but I really like you," he said.

I was taken aback at first, but then I realized that I had feelings for him too. I turned to face him, and we looked into each other's eyes for a moment. Then, we leaned in and kissed.

After that, the movie was a blur. All I could think about was Tom and how much I wanted to be with him. When it was over, I said goodbye to Bill and Tom walked me to my car. We stood there for a moment, holding each other close.

"I can't wait to see you again," Tom said.

"Me too," I replied.

As I drove away, I knew that I had found something special with Tom. We may have started out as just two people who seemed to not like each other, but now we were so much more.


I know this is lowkey really shitty i'm just so tired and unmotivated rn. I'll try to post something better soon. :).

𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐨 𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now