* Flirt ♱ Georg

762 22 5

Warnings: Cursing, Oral smut,
words: 544

You and Georg had always harmlessly flirted with eachother. Neither of you had ever thought more of it than as a stupid joke. Until recently, it had started to effect you, mentally AND physically.

About a year ago, yours and Georg's flirty "jokes" had started to become more sexual. "You make me hard" Georg said, followed by his laughing voice. That was the first time either of y'all's jokes had been more than just sweet. He had said it as he started to get annoyed of you complaining how hard learning a new song on your guitar was.

Ever since then, they only got more and more like that. A few months ago you had realized you DID have a crush on Georg, and the jokes really meant something to you.

Now, today, you and Georg were hanging out at your apartment, just you and him.

"Oh! my brownies are gonna burn!" you exclaimed as you turned to the oven and bent down to take them out as Georg sat at your counter. "I can get used to you bending over like that." Georg said, without laughing as he normally would.

You chuckled, trying your best to ignore the way his words had made you feel. "I'm not joking." Georg spoke again. You looked at him shocked as you set the brownies on the counter.

After staring at eachother for nearly two minutes, Georg stood up and walked over to where you were standing. He gently grabbed you by the back of your neck and kissed you as his other hand snaked down to hold you hip.

The kissing started getting faster, sloppier, and you were getting wetter by the second. Georg picked you up by your hips, and carried you to your room, breaking the kiss only to open your room door.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked. You only nodded your head. "I need your words, sweetheart." Georg continued. "Yes. I do." You muttered.

Georg swiftly pulled down your shorts, along with your soaked underwear. You whimpered as he started kissing your thighs, leaving few marks. "What do you want baby?" He asked, looking up at you. "please just touch me" You replied with a strained voice. After you finished speaking, he quickly shoved his tongue between your legs. "Oh my-" You started to speak but were stopped by a loud moan leaving your mouth.

Georg slowly inserted two fingers into you, making you moan and whimper. After a while of him going between rapidly moving his fingers in and out of you, and eating you out more, "Oh Georg i think i'm gonna cum." You groaned. "Go ahead pretty girl, cum in my mouth." And with his words you finished, tugging on his hair and as you came down.

After a minute of sitting there, catching your breath, Georg left the bed. "What are you doing?" you questioned. "I'm starting you a bath." He replied. You just smiled back at him as he left the room.

You picked up your phone and went to your texts. You clicked on bills contact.

You texted him.

Georg quickly came back to the room, picking you up off the bed to take you to your bath.


IM BACK BITCHES !! GO LOOJ AT MY ANNOUNCEMENT RN OR IMMA EAT YOUR DOG ! (not really ofc?) anyways, i'm sick asf rn and i want to go home!! But yk enjoy this, ik it lowkey sucks cause i'm so sleep deprived rn. But just be glad i posted finally ?!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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