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Tam's P.O.V.
The pain was excruciating. It was almost unbearable. My shadows clawed their way through my thick boots and painfully into my bones. They expanded, forcing the femur to explode with the built up pressure. I screamed, falling to the floor. I would have preferred a concussion to this any day.

Instead of hitting the cold floor, I fell into strong arms. Sophie, I shadow whispered, but my shadow wouldn't listen to me. It was like someone else was controlling them.

I heard a faint cry. "Tam! Fine, Gisela. You get your way. Just stop. Please stop," Sophie begged, and immediately, the darkness receded.

"I'll send our physician to heal his leg," the monster muttered as she left the dungeon. (Wow, that sounds ominous)

My mind cleared up and I was able to see Sophie again. She had tear stains down her face and it looked like she had been crying. "Tam, are you okay? You just started screaming and I could tell that Gisela was doing it, but I didn't know what, and then you collapsed and wouldn't answer me, and Tam! I was so scared that I would lose you! I thought she was going to kill you, and..." She stopped mid-sentence and buried her head in my chest. I could hear her whimpers as Sophie started sobbing again.

I sat all the way up and leaned against the wall. "Sophie, I'll be fine. Gisela just broke my leg, nothing worse, and didn't she say that she would send a physician to fix me up?" I wondered, stroking her hair and she slowly started to hiccup. "I'm fine, Soph. I'm fine," I muttered reassuringly into Sophie's hair.

Our "moment" was wrecked by a pair of footsteps coming our way. When the person came in, both Sophie and I gasped.

She pointed an accusing finger at him and shouted angrily, "Your one of them?!"

Hi! I'm baaaaaaack! I was contemplating wether or not I should use this mystery person, but, in the end, I decided that I should. It also makes the plot juicier! Okay, here are your questions.
1: Who do you think the mystery person/traitor is?
2: Why do you think they joined the Neverseen?
3: Should I leave you with the cliffhanger for a month, a week, or until Saturday? I want you guys to answer honestly, so I know how much y'all are into the book so far and if the cliffhanger was good or not.
Love yous! Doei!
-Amalia ❤️

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