you look like you've been crying...? - pavitr prabhakar

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Y/n had been feeling a bit low the entire day because she was on her period and had watched a movie with a romantic ending that she couldn't help but think was a metaphor for her own life. She had no one special to love, no one to hold her hand and make her feel special. Despite her strong and independent personality, the loneliness was still a major part of her.

Pavitr had been trying to reach her all day as he hadn't heard from her in days, but she hadn't answered his texts or calls. Worried about his best friend, he decided to head to her house to make sure she was alright. He took some ice cream with him, thinking that he might have done something wrong to make her angry and hoped that this would serve as a peace offering.

When he arrived, Y/n was curled up on the couch, clearly lost in her thoughts. Pavitr slipped into the room and started to pick up the details that he had overlooked before. He noticed how lonely she looked despite her strong spirit, and he realized just how much she must be aching for love and someone to be a partner by her side.

He cleared his throat to get her attention, and her eyes snapped up, wide in surprise. He smiled softly and gestured to the ice cream he had brought.

Pavitr: "You look like you've been crying, are you okay, I brought ice cream....?

Y/n: "Thanks, Pavitr..."

It was then that Pavitr opened up his heart and confessed his feelings for her. He told her that he was madly in love with her and was finally ready to take the plunge.

Pavitr: "...Hey, y/n ..."

Y/n: "...Yeah...?"

Pavitr: "....I love you, I always have you know that right...?"

Y/n: " love me...?"

Pavitr: "...of course, with all my heart..."

Y/n was taken aback by his confession but could not deny the warmth that blossomed in her chest at his words. She smiled, a genuine smile of joy, and Pavitr knew then and there that he had found the one.

That night, they had decided to stay in and watch some more romantic movies. Y/N had trouble staying awake, so Pavitr decided to feed them some ice cream between scenes. As he spoon-fed Y/N the sweet treat, he looked into their eyes and said, 'I must be the luckiest guy in the world for getting to do this with you.'

Y/N smiled sweetly, her heart afluttering at the sight of Pavitr gazing at her with so much affection. She took his hands in her own and said, 'I'm the lucky one! You've gone out of your way to make this night so special for me.'

Pavitr smiled back and pulled Y/N close into a hug, both of them basking in the warm feeling of contentment. They continued their movie marathon, the night passing faster than they had expected, but both of them blissfully happy. As they said goodbye for the night, Y/N had no doubt that they had found something priceless and special in each other. They had truly found someone to share a night like this with.

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