the science of us - Jonathan Ohnn (spot) x reader

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Ever since y/n could remember, her life's been a whirlwind of change. Ever since she could comprehend things as a child she's heard stories, stories about what it was like to meet that special someone, a person who was made just for you - your soulmate, as most people had grown towards calling them - every one is different to some extent, however, I didn't know, i should have known, but I didn't, everyone knew, and no one told me, ever since I was born I've had this mark….

This solid black hole is directly in the center of my chest… It's  been with me ever since I could remember. Everyone had one. Not a hole, of course not, everyone's mark is different, but everyone has a mark that they're born with. They come in all different shapes and sizes and colors, but only two people in the world have the same one. If you find someone with the same mark as you, you’ve found “The One.” That special someone…

Meeting Jonathan Ohnn was more difficult than you had imagined, you see, he was the lead researcher, you were an assistant, but you weren't his…. Some people wait their whole lives to find their significant other - you only found out when Liv forced you to come to the party being hosted by Wilson Fisk…. Doctor Octavia was an intense person, and she was your best friend, she convinced you to go for the food, of course you went, how could you not, plus Liv promised that she'd pay for all your drinks…. Really, you're glad you went, I mean, why wouldn't you be…

To say you were glad that you were forced to wear a red dress revealing your chest, that revealed your mark was a bad thing, but you really were glad. The tiny incident, the one when you went to get you and Liv more food, you had brushed hands with a stranger when reaching for a plate, although looking closer you had noticed that this wasn't a stranger… the incident had made you both pull over to assess the damage, he had jumped and knocked over a waiter passing by carrying drinks, the drinks that had then spilled on your dress, of course he's distraught,  immediately he's saying sorry and apologizing,  trying to clean the mess, only then does he notice the hole on your chest…. You reach for his hand that's padding down on your dress trying to dry you off. He's stumbling over his words, becoming a stumbling mess and how he promises he’ll pay for the damage…. But the more he stares, the more he can't speak…. He knows, and you know….. only when Liv walks over and asks if you're okay does it break his trance, and now Liv knows…. She smirks and winks lightheartedly. She chuckles slightly and walks away before giving you a thumbs up… Now you and his face are as red as tomatoes, and he's stutter again…. "Y-you're, uh…uhm… er… you're really pretty…." He said with such hesitation that the silence that followed after could have been cut thin, but it wasn’t… instead you leaned into him, into his touch, and you followed, let him lead and guide you, out, outside to the parking lot, to his car, to his apartment… only when you let out a sigh of contentment did you know that this was real, that you found him, your soulmate…. And you were happy, he was happy, you were both happy, but happiness doesn't last and things can change…. Jonathan Ohnn, a scientific man, got so caught up in his work, but you understood, right? I mean the deadlines, your shared office corner strewn with paperwork and blueprints, he was ... .working on something bigger… and you were okay with that because he still made time for you…. Even when he was tired, exhausted even, he'd still pepper your face in kisses, tell you that you… you meant the world to him… "and then… then he was gone…. You thought he died, but the mark stayed the same… and it never faded…. One night became two months, and two months became a year. You cried, and you cried a lot. It all began when they released the news about the explosion at alchemax…. He was there… of course he was. He was so dedicated…. That his work consumed him… timeskip to a week later and every time you wake up there's always a gift, flowers, candy, sometimes it's just something shiny like a pretty rock or bottle cap, you at first were put off by it but you eventually didn't mind, until your mystery gift giver had started leaving romantic love poems about his love for you, and that he was sorry he couldn't be there, and every time the envelope was signed as the spot, and somehow you knew, you put puzzle pieces together that this was Jonathan, and that he was okay, he was alive, and even though he wasn't currently here, you felt safer…

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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