I believe this is yours -hobbie brown

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Hobbie Brown was a talented guitarist, traveling the country in a beat-up touring van that had seen better days. He was so engrossed in his guitar playing that it wasn't until he felt something plop onto the floor of the van that he noticed he had dropped his guitar pick.

He looked around, figuring it had fallen somewhere inside the van, when he noticed a figure standing outside. When he peered closer, he recognized it to be Y/N L/N, a kind and bubbly person whom he had met earlier that day at the nearby diner.

'Uhm, I believe this is yours?' Y/N suddenly said from outside, holding his guitar pick in their hand.

Hobbie got out of the van and thanked Y/N for spotting the pick and returning it. As they stood there, Hobbie plucked a few strings on his guitar and explained to Y/N the importance of this pick: it had belonged to his beloved grandpa, passed down through the generations as an heirloom.

'I'm so glad you had me in mind when you found it,' Hobbie said with a smile, grateful that Y/N had looked out for him.

Y/N returned the smile, and a spark of recognition passed between the two, Hobbie thought. He continued to talk with Y/N until the sun began to set, and before long, the night sky had taken the place of the day.

With a wave goodbye, Y/N returned to the diner, and Hobbie drove off on his journey, feeling incredibly lucky to have met someone as kind as Y/N. His guitar pick seemed a little more special now that it had been retrieved by an unexpected hero. He knew that he had to try and find her latter.

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