Part 61&62
❤️❤️💚💋Dan darajar da Allah yaywa annabi kuyi votting..😢👏
..... With the help of mrs harmoni who attended to her..aka samu ummi ta dawo hayyacinta but fa she still keeps calling different names.. that's what makes Mrs harmoni asked her..
"Mrs fatima,was something wrongly happened to you?"
Tafada tana me dafa kafadar ummi...
Hawaye ne kawai ke sauka a fuskar ummi.. batare da ta kuma cewa komai ba.. zumbur like wadda aka tsikara ta mike zaune daga kan gadon da take kai tana me zare ..oxcygen jin din da ke hancinta......
Waige waige kawai tafarayi..cikin tsantsar tsoro ,kana kallonta kasan a firgice take... gani take kmr ze kara dawowa a asubitin ......
Itadai mrs harmoni kawai binta takeyi da idanu don a iya bincikar sauran doctors and nurses din hospital din da abun ya faru a gabansu da tai.. haryanzu bataga dalilin da zaisa ummi din faduwa.. because dukkan su sun shaida mata cewar kawai ta mike da nufin shiga office din mrs harmoni dinne se suka ga ta yanke jiki ta fadi
... i didn't mean to be harsh but to be honest
Kunsan turai ba irin kasashenmu ba balle aima ummi zuru da idanu.. lokacin da suke exchanging kallo da daddy.. everyone has their own daily routine so basu damu dasawa juna idanu ba.. because they say live is short spent it like its gold..soo shiyasa kawai se faduwarta sukaji.....By the time da kowa ya dawo hayyacinsa having taken ummi to an emergency room .... mutuncin da tagani ma he had already left....soo babu wanda ze kawo wani abu because every now and then..suna samun irin wannan cases din....
"Where's he?"
Tafada tana me kurawa mrs harmoni ido...
Matsowa tai kusa da ita tana me dafa ta tace.....
"I didn't get you Mrs fatima... you have been found unconscious on ground...and now kina tambaya ta ina wani yake...are you really on your sense...?"
Shiru ummi tai batare da takara cewa komai ba.. because inta kuma mgn she knows mrs harmoni would have her let the cat out of the bag .the secret she doesn't want tell anyone....
"I much wished I didn't come to this hospital.if I had already known , I would meet this bad apple....",
Itadai mrs harmoni..tafara tsorata da lamarin ummi.. because itadai daukar maganganun ummi take a matsayin sambatu....
Mrs harmoni ce tai saurin rikota ganin she's trying to stand up either by hook or by crock...
Cikin damuwa muryar ummi na rawa ,ta dubi mrs harmoni tana me cewa....
"I have to go home now..."
Mrs harmoni ce ta dubeta cikin tausayawa tace......
"But you need to have some rest before"
"No, I can't thank you enough for all you have done to me.. ya kamata inkoma gida nadawo daga baya... alpha yana can yana jirana..."
Tabe baki mrs harmoni tai kana tace..
"S'it because of alpha that makes you want to go back home now... Don't you see how your condition is... you look pale! look if alpha ne ma.. I'm quite sure he's with Ariana in our home by now... so no need to bother yourself with too much tasks"
Tafada tana me kamo hannun ummi.. murmushi ummi tai mata tana me cewa
"I think you might be mistaken.this is not what makes me want go back home now.. it's my secret.. don't say I didn't consider you Worthy enough to share my secret with.. it's not like that... there's something I need to get done...",

Roman d'amour....what action would you take.. if you found out dat someone whom you hold so cheater, and he secretly tried to sleep with your loved wife unbeknownst of you..?.. that's doesn't sit well! Have you ever loved something or someone to the e...