☆From, Spiderman☆

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☆Birthday Female Reader x Spiderman Pavtir Prabahkar☆

3RD Person POV:
It was a normal and peaceful day in Mumbattan, or at least for others it was. The streets of Mumbattan were loud, the usual honking and the sounds of dishes being places on tables echoed through the massive city. Y/n, a girl who was usually bubbly, was feeling down that day. Not only did she have a bad day on her birthday, but everyone she knew forget it even existed. It's understandable if one person forgets, but everyone? Boy was y/n disappointed today. The day started of fine, she woke up a little tired but she felt great. The sun was shining through her windows, the rays hitting her bed flawlessly. A quick stretch and she was up and at em! Running downstairs she grabs some food, places it in her mouth, and goes outside, grabbing her phone during the process. As she walks outside, towards her favorite cafe, she scrolls through her phone. No messages appeared. Not even one. Maybe they're not awake? She thought. She sighs in somewhat disappointment and puts the phone in her pocket. She finally reaches the cafe, only to see it was closed. 'What a great start' she thought annoyed. Soon enough, the day got worse. Someone spilled hot chai on her, burning her neck, making it flare with redness. Then, she tripped on multiple rocks, making her continusly wince in pain. And finally, random blisters had appeared on her and it hurt so bad. How could this dreadful day get worse? She thought, and oh boy
Y/n, why did you jinx it?
Turns out a very dangerous criminal had been on the loose, and y/n had the most amazing luck to have crossed this criminal, who had a knife.
Y/n POV:
I walked towards my home, extremely close to crying, everything has been going wrong. Its my birthday for Gods sake! And as I walk, I see a tallish man standing the distance, holding something. I couldn't see what it was, but I did NOT get closer. The man suddenly dashes towards me and I book it.
I started running but he caught up. The man held the knife towards my neck, right where I had the burn. I hissed when he pressed the knife deeper, creating a fatass cut on my neck. Suddenly, Spiderman swings in and takes the knife away from my neck. He quickly grabs me and places me on the side. "Are you ok y/n?" they ask. "How do you know my name?" I question suspiciously. They pause, realizing they said to much and swinged away to fight the criminal. After a few punches the criminal was cuffed and taken back to jail. Spiderman walks up to me and starts a conversation. "Hey uhm so are you okay?" they ask. I just nod. "Why do you seem sad?" they ask. I look at them and ask "do u really wanna know?" they vividly nod. "I had a really really bad day, and what's worse is that it's my birthday—and everyone forgot. And I know i shouldn't be sad ab-" I say but get interrupted by spiderman hugging me. "Uhh" I say slowly and awkwardly being my hand to their back. "I'm so sorry I was so busy and it totally slipped my mind and-" they kept saying. "Uh it's okay your spiderman you don't really know me but I preciate the sympathy." I say smiling. They quickly pull away and nod. "Uh I have to go now so I'll see you around spiderman." I say, feeling a little better. And they nod and mumble a quiet happy birthday before swinging away. I keep walking towards my house and reach, I look up and there I see in large web words--"HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N - FROM, YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SPIDERMAN." A huge smile spreads across my face and tears finally stream down my face while I laugh, at least someone cares.

But who y/n didn't see was Spiderman in the background smiling at her, unknowningly falling for the girl.

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