☆Ferris Wheel☆

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☆Hobie Brown x Reader☆


2nd Person POV:
"HOBIE!!" you call out, spotting the British man leaning on the gate of the amusement park. Hobie had promised that he would take you to the amusement park in his world, the other day he had made a bet..if you won he would have to take you to the amusement park, if he won you would have to take him somewhere he wanted. Of course, both were a win win situation for him so when you won the bet he pretended to care. So here you were, standing infront of Hobie, grinning. "I guess I won Hobo man" you say smugly. He scoffs and starts walking towards one of the rides.
"Wait For me!"
You guys stop in front of a large and tall menacingly looking ride. You seemed to have a horrified look on your face as anxiety start eating you up from the inside. "Scared?" he says smirking. Your head slowly creaks towards him, "o-ofcourse not" you say putting up a scared smile. You both enter the line, the closer you get, the more scary it looks. By the time it was your turn to get on the roller coaster, you were sweating balls. Hobie looks at you and realizes you were actually scared, "Y'know we don't hafta go, let's go to something less menacing" he says quietly in your ear. You abruptly shake your head and explain, "I'm just like this I get scared in the beginning but end up really enjoying it, don't worry about me" you say flapping your hands around. He shrugs and gets on the seat next to you. Oh no, you were sweating crapless again, at this moment you were climbing up a large incline which lead to a drop, and it was straight d o w n. Instinctively, you grab Hobies hand which is right next to yours and give it a squeeze. He shoots a quick glance at you, with a hidden smile. Suddenly, you drop and you feel a weight being lifted from your shoulders. At first you scream but it turns into a laugh, throwing your hands in the air and speeding through the curves and turns. You didn't see Hobie so you didn't know what he'd look like after the ride, so when you turned your head you did NOT expect him to wobble around and turn green. "Hobo? You Good?" You say supporting his back as he threw up in the bush next to him. He weakily nods and tumbles to the bathroom and washes up. Once he exits you stretch your hand out in front of him, "Cmon, let's go to the ferris wheel" you say smiling. He takes your hand and you both walk towards the giant ferris wheel. You were let into the box (idk what to call it) and you both sat down. As the wheel kept moving, your face was pushed up against the window-"woww" you say in awe. Hobie chuckles and his eyes move towards the window on his side. He was sitting across you so both of you could face each other. You stand up to move next to Hobie, but the ferris wheel comes to a sudden stop, which jolts the box cart thing you were in, causing you to fall forward... on Hobie. Both your hands were on the outside of his spread legs and one of your knee was placed between, the other on the floor to support you from fallingany further. You were extremely close to your face, so you couldn't help but look at his appealing features. You didn't realize his hands had made its way to your face until he bought your face even closer. His lips touches yours, and at first you were surprised, but then gave in. It was oddly satisfying, and warm. You both pull away and the ferris wheel continued moving. 'Wowe what a coincidence." you think annoyed, your eyes still locked with Hobies after he pulled that move. You huff a little before he pulled you in for another kiss, with no words to say you give in..
"Just because of one ferris wheel incident huh?"

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