☆Web My Heart☆

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☆Spiderman Miles x Spidergirl Reader☆
3rd Person POV:
'Brooklyn's Spiderman' were the bold words flashed on the TV screen. "Saved another person" "Lives Changed" "We love you Spiderman!" kept replaying on the flashing screen in front of y/n. She sighed, wishing she could wear her suit again, but she couldn't. You see, y/n wasn't from this dimension. She was sent here, and she's been here for 3 years now. Her own dimension was collapsed, so, she was sent to this one by HQ. Her bestfriend Miles, who was the spiderman of this universe knew that, so of course, he wanted to do something about it.
Y/n smiled at the screen, seeing her best friend in action, but the smile slide from her face quickly, because not only does it remind her that she couldn't be spiderman, but also that her being spiderman was not needed anymore. Suddenly, she hears a tap on her window. She looks to the side and sees miles upside down, waiting for her to open the window. Y/n smiles when she sees him, having a BIG slight crush on him. She gladly opens the window and let's him in. "Y/n, wear your suit and let's go."
Y/n POV:
'wait what.' I think, I stand there for a few seconds trying to process what he said. "Come on let's go!" he asks again. I nod and grab my suit from underneath my bed. It was black and the spider label was white on the front, and a jacket to go with this that had a star on the back. I slipped on my suit, putting the hood up and crawling outside the window where miles was. He'd never seen me in my suit. For a minute, it looked like he had been lost, but quickly regained his posture. "What? Cat got your tongue?" I ask him smirking. "Shut up." he says and jumps off the window, me trailing behind him. "So where we going?" I say swinging backwards. "Were going to this area I found to swing, you know, cause you can't do it in public anymore I thought you would miss it." he says cheekily. I give him a bright smile, knowing he couldn't see it. "Your amazing you know that?" I say happily. "So I've been told a couple hundred times." he says with large confidence. I laugh and swing faster. We ended up at this place with large structures and buildings almost like a city that was abandoned. No people, no animals, nothing. "Woah.." my breath was taken away. I swing around the buildings, miles behind me. After hours there, we were exhausted, sitting on top of a massive building towering over the rest. Our legs dangled from the edge and my hand was placed in my lap, Miles' hands behind him. I look at miles, and he notices. I take of my mask and smile at him, a genuine smile. "Thanks Miles, you don't know how much it meant to me." I say a little quietly. "What? I cant hear you" he says teasing me. "I swear to God I will push you off right now" I say pushing his apology hug away. "Hey but you have to give me something in return." he said, his sentence being a little more nervously said than the rest. I give him a slight 'hm' not expecting him to softly grab my cheek. He takes of his mask with his free hand and let his eyes flicker to my lips. He slowly leans in, placing his hand on my waist. Our lips touch and my eyes widen, before giving in and fluttering shut. We pulled away after a few seconds. He brings me closer to him, hugging my waist, putting our foreheads together.

"Don't you just web my heart."

Hobie oneshot after this🙏🙏😝😝

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