☆Cat Dad☆

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☆Miles Morales x Reader☆

(Thank you for all the comments‼️ I will make 2 Miles Morales Fluff, 1 Pavitr Fluff, 1 Hobie Brown Fluff, and 1 completely Angst Miles 42 and 1 angst to fluff Miles 42 one shot. Also this one shot will be sort of quick because I have to go out but anyway love y'all have a great day or night and enjoy:)))

It was a bright sunny day, and it seemed as if everything was perfect. Your mom had been awfully nice to you this morning, school had been closed for the day--which meant no bickering teachers could yell at you for "breaking school dress code" for wearing "inappropriate clothing," which was just sweatpants and a T-shirt, plus, it was one time, and you were in a rush! But the main reason why today was going to be absolutely perfect, was because your boyfriend wanted to take you on a cute date to the park. The best part, it was right next to a mini cat town! If it wasn't obvious enough, you were a cat lover, and you couldn't get enough of them(I'm sorry dog lovers ill make one for y'all next time💔) So there you were, spinning in your f/c dress, smiling. You heard a knock on your window, which made you turn your head. 'Oh! It's Miles!' You saw the familar red and black suit with the spider logo from your window. You rushed towards him and opened the window, letting him in. "Hi Miles" you say smiling. "Hi gorgeous he says kissing your forehead and sitting on your bed. "I'm almost done, sorry for the wait" you say apologetically. He smiles and shakes his head in response. After a few minutes you finished, Miles looked at you in awe "woah.." he says. You chuckle, "We going or are you just gonna stare?" you say. He snaps out of his trance and nods, grabbing your hand and jumping out the window. When you guys reach the park the first thing you see was a laid out picnic blanket and basket. You grin and look back at him, which he smiles and softly pushes you towards the blanket. Sitting down, you and Miles spent hours just laughing and talking. You enjoyed it, almost completely forgetting about the cat town next to the park. After a while, Miles stood up and outstretched his hand, you grabbed it and stood up as well. "Where are going?" you ask, confused. "Cat town, I know you really like cats" he says. 'Ohhh right!' you thought, smiling at him. When you enter the place, you sqeal, "LOOK AT THEMMM!" You try holding back excitement, jumping up and down. Miles laughs and takes you towards the cats. You continusly pet the cats, they seemed to enjoy as well, a kitten even jumped on your head! "Look here!" miles says holding up as phone to take a picture. You grinned, this was the best moment of your life. Sadly, you had to leave because they were closing soon. Miles wrapped his arm around your waist as you guys walked out. It was dark outside now, and it started raining. "I thought it there was no rain in the forecast" you say putting a hand over your hand, not allowing the rain to touch your hair. You and miles started walking faster, that was until you stopped. You heard the slightest meow from an alley nearby. Instinctively, you walk towards the alley, hearing the meow again. "Y/n?" miles asks, but you shush him. You slowly walk up to the source of the sound and there you see a shivering and scared baby calico cat. Your heart breaks into pieces seeing him or her here. "Aww poor baby" you say frowning. You go to pick up the cat but Miles stops. "Y/n, no, your mom's gonna get angry at you and it probably has a bunch of fleas" Miles says. You pout and give him the best doll eyes you could possibly make. He sighs, "your lucky I love you." A smile wraps your face as you give him a kiss. You go to get the kitty but Miles stops you..again. "Hold on, I'll pick it up, with my jacket, so none of us gets fleas" he says taking off his jacket and picking up the cat. You both run back to your house and rush to the bathroom to place it in the bath tub. Thank god your mom wasn't home. He looks at you a little guilty, "I'm sorry y/n but I gotta go my mom's gonna kill me, can you take care of the cat?" he asks. You chuckle and nod, "of course text me when you get home though" you say. He smiles and kisses you before he leaves. Welp, now you were a cat mom and dad. You chuckle a the thought,
Miles? A Cat Dad?

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